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Urvashi's exams ended and it was time for my Preparation Leave were start for studies and it was my final year.

As my exams were ahead I started my marathon for studies. I used to study at the library. I spend my whole day at the library for studies. And when in the evening I used to get back home she used for me to come online. When I used to go online she used to start telling me everything about how she spent the day and what all things she did. She used to say and I used to listen. It was like a routine and I didn't mind as everything was going smoothly. Likewise, April arrived.

It was the 21st of April and as per the Hindu calendar, it is called tithi birthday. And it was her birthday according and to my surprise she shared her birthday with my Mother. As it was my mother's birthday my Brother decided to buy a Bike. And it was really a happy moment for all of us. We all were excited and my excitement was on cloud nine. I had entered into dreamland and I was fancying me and Urvashi going on long drives. I know I was so engrossed in my dream that didn't tell her. So I pulled myself from my dreamland and ended her messaging her 'My brother bought a Bike' She got excited with the news. But I remember that she didn't like bikes like she was not a fan of Bikes but still she was happy. Coz it was her birthday and I was the one who was getting a gift that was Bike. I was fully excited and I told her ' I promise you that I won't allow anyone to ride with me first. You will be the first to ride with me.' She got more excited when I told her about it. As May was heading near my exams were also heading and on 2nd May it was her birthday and my Mothers's birthday also. I had planned a surprise for her birthday. With all the excitement slowly slowly April came to an end.

31st May she texted me 'I am heading to my native place on 2nd May'  and it was her birthday. And the news of leaving for a native place on her birthday landed on me like a bomb. And I was sad. Then she asked me 'Can you please lend me some novels?' I agreed and asked her 'Meet me and you get your novels' On that she said ' I won't be able to see you but you can hand over the books to Amy and I will collect them' With no thought I agreed sadly. On the 2nd she was supposed to head to her native place but decided Amy was coming to collect the books. I was in the library in my upset mood and recollected the talk we had she told me that she was leaving for a month. And I was thinking about how I managed to stay away from her for long one month. Suddenly my phone buzzed and I pulled my phone out and it was Amy she asked me to meet at Mulund station obviously she was there to collect the books. I recollected my stuff from the table and headed to the station with an upset face. I reached the station and saw Amy her back was facing me she was talking to someone and I was wondering who was that person she was talking to. So I made my way to her and revealed that it was Urvashi and I was a little surprised I wasn't expecting her. As it was her birthday I extended my hand to wish her Happy Birthday with a sad tone. I handed her the books and they left.

I was left with my thoughts still sad thing that always hit my mind that was it wasn't a week that she wouldn't be here it was for a month she wouldn't be here and that to when it was my exam time. I remember how during my last exam she used to call me and wish me the best of luck. That melody of her voice won't be there to wish me this time. I  wanted her to wish me that during this exam I was going to miss all those butterflies that used to hit my stomach when she used to call me. All this lot of thoughts were running through my mind and were making me more upset than before.

Then during the evening, I called her to wish ' happy journey, take care of your health' as I knew she get sick soon. She told me ' You concentrate on your studies and empty your mind from my thoughts' Then we said bye and hung up. Then she was gone night was like taking the hell out of me and as I was trying to get her thoughts out of my mind. But was unable to do that. Next 2-3 days I used to go to the library for studies but ended up with her thoughts and no studies. I tried my best to concentrate on my studies but ended up with thoughts and my night was consumed with her dreams. Then from the back of my mind, a ray came and told me that Urvashi wouldn't to happy if I failed my exam. So I decided to study hard as my lucky charm wouldn't be there to call and wish me like the last exam. So I started putting my all efforts and studies hard. And while studying days flew away and the month ended. At that time exam also ended and with my exam over Urvashi was back.

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