05 | New Enemies

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Hey guys! This is who I envision these characters as when I'm writing, in case ya wanted to know :)
Lauren - Britt Robertson
Nathan- Jessey Stevens
Luke- Ansel Elgort
Stephanie- Kerri Russel
Bailey- Whitney Cole
Thomas- Beau Mirchoff
Nina- AnnaLynn McCord

I stared at the outfit laid out on my bed, wondering if it was really an improvement than my sweatshirts and converse. After the party, I spent the rest of the weekend watching Netflix or painting, after a lengthy phone call to Stephanie as I scolded her for disappearing at the party. My confidence seemed to be primarily alcohol driven, because when I woke up Sunday morning, I began doubting my ability to pull off this entire thing.

But, as I stare at the clothes I never would've picked out for myself before, all I can hear is Thomas' voice telling me I'm invisible. That I'm not worth the trouble. And that's what gets me to change into the cream colored, silk tank top with an almost-too-deep v-neck, dark washed ripped jeans so tight they feel like a second skin, and a pair of black heeled boots that laced up all the way up to my knee.

I woke up a whole hour earlier than normal to do my makeup like Stephanie taught me, trying my hardest to make the winged eyeliner precise. My hair was in natural blonde waves, and when I was finally finished, I raced downstairs and into my car before I could change my mind. During my ride to school, I prepared myself for all the attention I'd be getting today: something I wasn't used to at all. Stephanie's words of advice from yesterday rang in my hand: Keep your head held high, chin up, and don't let anyone make you feel inferior.

So, when I pulled into the school parking lot, I decided to do exactly that. Instead of parking in the back of the lot like I normally did, I pulled into one of the spaces in the front of the lot, where people were nearby littering around the entrance to school. Taking a deep breath, I caught my reflection in the rear view mirror, and took one last look at myself from behind my favorite pair of Aviators before muttering to myself, "Here goes nothing."

Everything went in slow motion when I stepped out of my car. The second my first black boot touched the ground, I changed my expression into one of indifference. I slung my backpack over one shoulder and shut my car door before I started walking toward the front doors of the school with my head held high. Confidently, I upheld an alarmingly cool expression on my face as I walked, very aware of the attention I had already gained in a matter of seconds.

I could see the scattered group of kids waiting outside as they turned their attention to me, some silencing as I passed, and others whispering feverishly. I saw eyes widen, mouths move quickly, girls gossip, guys wolf whistle, and jaws drop, but none of it slowed my steady pace as I strut confidently into school. Once I got inside, the attention didn't cease, but increased tenfold.

"Who is she?"

"Is she new?"

"Dude, look at the hot new chick."

"Is that Lauren Collins?"

"She looks like a slut."

"She looks sexy."

I ignore the whispers and stares as they follow me down the hallway. My heart was racing, thumping carelessly against my chest, but I gave no sign outwardly to my discomfort. Instead, I pretended like I didn't notice the intensity of everyone's stares, and took my sunglasses off as I reached my locker.

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