36 | Dazed and Confused

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In the midst of my morning haze, right as my eyes fluttered for the first time, two thoughts struck me. Firstly, that I was in a hotel room in Williamsport instead of the comfort of my own bed back home. Secondly, that Nathan kissed me goodnight after we watched my favorite childhood movie. 

The vivid memory flashed in the forefront of my mind as my shaking fingertips brushed along my lips. And then I remember partially telling him about my vendetta against Thomas, and the ice cream carton we finished together, until the entire night had replayed in my thoughts. My lips curled into a small smile at the memory. 

I sit straight up and try to understand why he kissed me goodnight when there as nobody else around. When I draw a blank, I shift my focus onto what it was going to be like seeing him today. After he stole a secret kiss that I had been willing to give him for months. 

I manage to shower, brush my teeth, and dress myself before Stephanie finally stirs from the bed. She hadn't been there when I spent hours recounting the memory of that kiss before I eventually fell asleep last night. I lean against the doorframe of the bathroom and smirk at her as Steph lifts her head and meets my gaze. 

When she sees my smirk, she promptly drops her head back onto the pillows, and lets out a discouraged breath. "It's creepy to watch other people sleep."

I chuckle and sit on the edge of the bed. "What time did you get in this morning?"

"Six," She mumbles into the pillow. "Before the coach got up. I didn't want him or any of the other guys to see me sneak out of Justin's room."

"That's understandable." She finally pulls herself into a sitting position. "How was your night?"

Finally, a smile slowly begins to pull on her lips, and all her attempts to squash it are absolutely futile. I see a giddy, childlike excitement spark in her eyes when she looks at me, and I can already guess what happened. 

"He asked me to be his girlfriend," Stephanie says after a beat of hesitation. 

My smirk alters into a full on grin at the news. "Steph! That's awesome!" She just grinned wider until her cheeks squished into her eyes. "It was bound to happen eventually. I'm just happy Justin stopped being so slow on the uptake." 

Stephanie giggled and looked at me suggestively. "You want to talk about boys who are slow on the uptake?" I already knew what she would say based on the smirk on her lips. "I'll give you a guess."

I feigned confusion and asked innocently, "The Pope?" 

"Nathan," She asserts immediately. I knew it was coming. "That boy has got to man up and ask you out. If this were a book, he'd be friend zoned for the majority of the chapters."

"I think you're mistaking Nathan and I," I finally point out. "I'm the one who's friend zoned, remember?" 

Stephanie shakes her head and gives me a goofy grin. "You should see the way he looks at you."

I want to tell her what happened last night, the movie and the ice cream and the kiss and all of it, but before I can start, a knock slices through our conversation. I just let out a breath and stand up. "We'll continue this later."

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