34 | The Championship

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Hey guys here's another chapter for ya :) comment if you screamed and vote if you died from the feels. Enjoy!

I was going to kill Stephanie and Nathan. 

"Turn left!" Stephanie cries from the back seat. "Left, not right!" 

Nathan clenches the wheel so tightly that his knuckles were turning a deadly shade of white. "The GPS said turn right." 

Steph shakes her head and sighs dramatically. "The GPS is wrong, Nathan. Turn left." 

"What makes you think that you know more than the GPS?" He snaps, the muscle in his jaw ticking, the annoyance settling on his face. Again. 

"You idiot," Stephanie exclaims. "Just turn left!" 

I bury my head in my hands and let out a dramatic groan. I was overwhelmed by their continuous arguing for the past two hours. Nathan had wrongly dubbed Stephanie in charge of directions, and Stephanie got us lost twice before he put the GPS on his phone. As you can see, that didn't end their bickering. 

"Guys," I snap from the passenger seat and turn around to give Steph a look. "Can you just get along?" 

"I would if he just listened to me," Stephanie whines persistently. 

Nathan mumbles childishly, "I would if she just stopped yelling at me." 

I point at Stephanie and ignore her begrudging look. "Stephanie, you got us lost twice. Give the GPS a turn." She mutters under her breath and Nathan smirks, but it's quickly squandered when I point at him instead. "Nathan, be nicer to Steph. You get angry too fast." 

His smirk fell and he gave me a look that said he wanted to refute my words, but I give him a deadly look and he just sighs exaggeratedly and looks back at the road. "Fine." 

I nod in satisfaction as the monotonous voice of the GPS announces: "In four hundred foot you will have arrived at your destination." 

My gaze shifts ahead past the cars lining the street and to the faint glow surrounding the stadium a couple hundred feet away. Nathan pulled over a little ways away from the stadium and I eagerly climbed out of the car to distance myself from the hostile environment inside Nathan's Mustang. 

It was a little chilly out so I shrugged on the navy blue sweatshirt with my schools logo on the front. I glance to the drivers door to see Nathan step out looking effortlessly attractive in sneakers, joggers, and a long sleeve band tee. When I hear a door shut behind me, I turn to see Stephanie hugging a football jacket around her. 

My gaze glances down to Justin's last name on the breast pocket of the jacket and I smirk. "Nice jacket, Jones."

Stephanie rolls her eyes at me and glances nervously at the stadium. "Do you think the game started yet?" She fidgets with the zipper on her jacket nervously. "I don't want to miss anything."

"No," Nathan answers coolly from over his shoulder. "Football takes awhile."

I laugh a little at Nathan's vague answer and we enter the stadium. We climb the stairs until we find an open spot five or six rows up the bleachers. I squeezed between some other spectators and made my way to the sport after profusely apologizing for my awkward wiggling my way in the middle of the bleacher. 

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