28 | Sick Days

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There are some definite feels in this chapter. I love it. Enjoy!

I stare at Nathan in shock as I stood in the doorway, blinking at him dumbly, not uttering a word. He shifted under my gaze to move the box in between his hands as he watches me slowly (and I do mean slowly) regain composure with a small smirk hidden on his lips. 

Finally, I ask, "What are you doing here?" And my voice is much harsher than I meant it to be. 

Nathan lifts his eyebrows in surprise at my cold tone. "It's good to see you too," He muttered and then held up the box. "Stephanie asked me to deliver these."

I pull the blanket closer to myself when a breeze comes through the front door and reluctantly move over so he can enter. "Come in, then."

He walks inside and I kick the door shut behind him as I mentally curse Stephanie, thinking about ways to kill her. Had she called Nathan and asked him to pick up the movies? I walk into the family room and instruct Nathan to put the box down in front of the television as I stand stiffly, unsure how to act around him. 

He sets down the box and straightens up to tower over me once more as his grey  blue eyes study me and a frown tugs the corners of his lips. "You're sick." 

"Yeah," I shrug noncommittally and sit down on the couch. "A little."

He raises his brows at my claim and then reaches forward to press the back of his hand against my forehead. My heart skips a beat because his hand is freezing, and Nathan frowns at me disapprovingly as he slowly withdraws his hand.

"You're burning up," Nathan scolds. "Get comfortable on the couch and I'll put a movie in. Are you hungry? Do you want anything to eat?"

And, just like that, my resolve broke. Everything that happened last night was thrown out the window and a small smile cracks on my lips at the sound of his concern. "I just had some soup so I'm not hungry. Pick a good movie, would you?"

As Nathan rummages through the movie box, I get comfortable on the couch, draping the blanket from my shoulders over my legs instead and snuggling deeper into the couch. Nathan scoured the movie box silently, save for the occasional grunt of disproval, and I smiled slightly at his back. For being such a cold hearted bad boy, he sure did care about his friends.

After a few minutes, Nathan finally picks a movie and pops it in the DVD player of the television. "What'd you pick?"

He glances back at me with a secretive grin. "You'll see."

To my surprise, Nathan came over and sat down on the couch beside me, his eyes glued to the screen as the opening credits began playing. I blinked at him in confusion and wondered why he wasn't leaving. After all, Steph just made him bring the movies. He wasn't going to actually stay with me, too, was he? 

"Do you need something?" There was a hint of his classic arrogance behind his words as Nathan turns to smirk at me. "Or just enjoying the view?"

"You don't need to babysit me because I'm sick. I'll be fine alone." Once again, my words came out a little colder than intended, but to be fair, I guess I was still a little cross with Nathan about last night.

In return, Nathan gives me a blank look. "I'm not babysitting you. I happen to want to watch the movie I just scoured that box for."

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