45 | Paradise Lost

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Thank you to raeken for the awesome cover!! Comment & vote your thoughts :)

We spent our last day in our little slice of paradise swimming, exploring, driving, dancing, running, and most importantly, laughing. Like all the others, today was bright and sunny, and we spent most of it outdoors, soaking up the last full day here at the lake doing anything and everything we wanted.

And now, well past midnight, we were all gathered around the kitchen table with beers playing drinking games. The game we were all currently invested in is called Kings. We spread out a deck of cards to form a circle and then put a Bud Light in the center. Each card means something different, but after you draw one, you put it under the beer tab. Currently, the beer tab was stuffed with miscellaneous cards, close to popping.

"Nine," Asher reads the card then grins, and clarifies the rule: "Bust a rhyme."

I laughed, a hiccup of a giggle, and Vincent tried to drop a beat; key word being tried. But Vincent kept going with the beatbox and left Asher to start the challenge.

"Sometimes I sleep in and come to school late," Asher raps, bobbing his head while he does so.

It goes next to Tess, who picks up, "The secretaries get so pissed that they close the gate."

"I just go to school and decide I'll leave it up to fate," Nathan continues flawlessly.

I lift my head up, not ready or prepared, but open my mouth and hope for the best. "Whatever though because after school I got a real hot date."

Vincent drops the beat all at once, removing his hands from his mouth and cursing under his breath. "I wasn't expecting it to get back to me."

Everyone started laughing and shouting "Drink!" at Vincent, and so he did. Asher carefully stuck the card under the beer tab and miraculously, it didn't pop open yet. Tess picks up a card and groans, and I can already guess what it is.

Queen. "Questions," She mumbles, confirming my thoughts.

Tess hated drawing a queen, or when anyone ever drew a queen, because she hated the questions category. And she should, because she sucks at it.

You can never answer a question with anything other than another question, but for some reason, Tess always ends up answering the question.

"Why is the sky blue?" Tess asks half heartedly.

Nate shrugs, "Does it have to do with why the grass is green?"

"Do you think a blue sky is better than a sunset?" I question thoughtlessly.

Vincent's tone shifts and he asks seriously, "Why is it so hard to find a cute pair of shoes for a reasonable price?"

"I know right! It's like impossible to-" Tess stops herself mid sentence when she sees Vincent's victorious smirk, and she groans loudly into her hands.

Poor Tess. She just gets easily distracted.

Muttering obscenities, Tess leans forward and slides the card under the tab, and a resounding pop echoes from the can. Everyone starts cheering while Tess just glares at the can, probably hating her life. Whoever breaks the tab has to chug the beer.

Tess glares at the can for a few more minutes before she suddenly leans forward, grabs the can, and begins drinking it. Everyone's laughing and cheering and hooting and hollering for Tess to go on. And, after a few moments, she crushes the can and throws it on the table.

"Nicely done," I commend, patting her on the back reassuringly. "You did what needed to be done."

"Another game?" Asher suggests.

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