55 | Waiting Rooms

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Sorry everyone for the long wait! I didn't edit this because I just wanted to get it posted, so excuse any mistakes. I hope you enjoy this chapter, vote & comment your thoughts.

I paced back and forth in the hallways, unable to keep still. From the second we arrived to the ER, I couldn't find it in me to sit still for more than a few moments. It's been hours since the nurses wheeled Nathan away on a gurney to asses the damage, and I was practically crawling out of my skin not knowing if he was okay. Tess, Vincent, and Asher were sitting on the uncomfortable chairs in the waiting room in silence, jumping up every time a doctor came in, only to sink back into their seats in disappointment when the doctor addresses a different family. When I could no longer handle the disappointment of not knowing what was going on, I left the room all together.

Ty and Bennett were here too, as were my mom and Luke. Asher called Ty after they took Nathan away, and after an hour of unbearable waiting, I called my mom for comfort. She came twenty minutes later with a worried Luke in tow, and I met them in the waiting room, crashing into their arms. But eventually I grew too restless for the stale smell of sterilization in the waiting room, and left everyone to start pacing in the hallways. I glance over to the doorway leading into the waiting room and see my mom playing with Bennett on the floor, Ty sitting with his head in his hands, Tess leaning against Vincent silently, and Asher and Luke whispering somberly.

All at once, my exhaustion hit me. My legs almost gave out from under me, and I pressed my back against the plain white hospital wall. Slowly, I felt my knees weaken, and I slid down the wall, sitting with my knees drawn to my chest. I wrapped my arms around myself and put my head on my knees, hopelessness once again washing through me. There was nothing to do but wait, and yet waiting was the hardest thing I possibly could do. When I was waiting, I was lost in my toxic thoughts, finding myself short of breath every time I considered the fact Nathan might not be okay. The blood, there was so much blood...

No, I told myself fiercely. You can't think like that. Nathan is going to be okay.

I began repeating the same words that Asher was muttering at the racetrack. It's okay, it's going to be okay, Nathan is going to be okay. He has to be.


I lift my head from my knees hesitantly upon hearing a familiar, small voice in front of me. I came face to face with Bennett, who was standing in front of me with a deep frown etched into his features.

Because I have to be strong for Bennett, I force a smile on my lips. "Yeah, Bennett?"

He frowns deeper. "Why are you crying? Nathan's going to be okay, right?"

I reach up to touch my cheeks and sure enough, they feel wet from warm tears. I didn't even realize I was crying. I wipe my cheeks quickly and try to smile at Bennett again, my heart hurting as I did so. Bennett needed me to be strong, so I would be.

"He's going to be fine," I promise, my eyes staring into his, and I watch him relax at my words. "I'm just worried anyway."

Bennett frowns again, and shakes his head at me as if he were scolding me. "Than wouldn't want you to be sad. He doesn't like it when you're sad." He moves from in front of me to beside me, where he wraps his arms around my shoulders, and I sit there, frozen. "It's going to be okay, Lauren."

After a second, I shut my eyes tightly, willing back the tears I could feel burning my eyes. Instead of crying, I wrapped my arms around Bennett and returned his hug.

"Are you Tyler Rhodes?" I hear an authoritative voice ask.

My eyes fly open and I jump up on my feet to see a doctor in front of Tyler, who is wearing a similar expression to mine. I quickly grab Bennett's hand and drag him into the waiting room, joining the group that is now crowded around the doctor. Anxiousness and nervousness creeps through me again, and I hold my breath as I wait for him to explain.

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