Cousin Garcia

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Dalton's POV

"Welcome to hell kiddies", Candy announced as we drove through the gate "aka The Bannister Manor"

"What the fuck", I murmured and heard doll giggle "your family lives here?"

"Yes", she simply replied, fixing her hair "they're assholes, so try to stay polite". I just nodded back and looked back out the window. I couldn't even call it a mansion, because it wasn't!! It was more of a castle than a mansion

"The Queen of England could live here", Lane said as we stopped in the driveway and loads of butlers came out

"Yeah she could, ten families could fit in here", Candy replied as she fixed her makeup then we got out. The front yard was like two football fields put together. Small lakes, benches and lamps post were scattered making it look like a park

"It's actually fifteen families can live here", Doll corrected her friend as she stepped out the car and stretched "come Dawny ".

Symphony's POV

It's been a long since I seen this place. They've made a few changes, but it was all the same. I fixed Dalton's tie and smiled

"Is that a smile Doll?", he asked looking down at me and I chuckled "and you're laughing?! I think the world is ending?!"

"Hush! My cousin is looking", I hissed still wearing the smile and he smirked "give me a kiss and put on a smile!". He cupped his hands to the back of my neck and kissed me. It wasn't like the kiss he gave me at the tattoo shop, more the famous Dalton kiss- yuck!

"Ahem!", someone cleared their throat and I pulled away to see my older cousin, Gracia and I'm guessing her fiancée- wait! Woah!

"Copeland?", I said and he smiled "you're marrying Gracia?"

"Yes", he replied proudly and I tried not to kill him

"Symphony thank you for coming!", Gracia cheered holding out her arms and I went into them- just one week!

"I am your maid of honor and you're family!", I fake smiled and hugged her tight before letting go "you look so beautiful!"

"Oh I know!", she gasped then laughed annoyingly- conceited bitch"I see you've brought a date"

"Yes, this is my boyfriend, Dalton", I replied looking at Dalton, he reached out his hand

"Pleasure to meet you", he spoke smoothly and gave Garcia's hand a kiss "and may I say you have a beautiful home". My mouth almost dropped to the floor, I have to hand it to Dalton. He can definitely act

"Such a gentleman!", she fangirled and he smiled "we have a lot to do, but for now follow the butler upstairs to your room and get ready for breakfast outside". We followed one of the butlers to one of the guest rooms

"No funny business with my daughter!", my dad warned Dalton then whispered to me "if he tries anything, give me the word and I'll kick his ass"

"I'll kick his ass first", I chuckled and he smiled

"You know I'm standing right here", Dalton commented and we nodded

"So?", we both said then laughed. I wish Carrie was here to be dad's date, but she had some family conflict to do. She said she would be here as soon as she can.

"I could get used to this", Dalton exclaimed jumping on the huge ass bed and I walked into the closet- heaven!

"Well enjoy it, because we'll be here for a week", I sighed looking through the lovely expensive clothes "I'm gonna take a shower, don't get into trouble"

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