His Look

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Dalton's POV

Today was the day or should I say, today is Garcia's big day. When I woke up Symphony wasn't in the bed or the room for that matter. Guess she downstairs getting everything ready, I thought getting out of bed and decided to get ready. While laying out the tux for the wedding my phone rang, I looked at the caller ID and immediately dropped it on the bed- Marsha. She's been calling me all week, leaving voice mails and messages. It's so damn annoying hearing over 20 voice mails that say nothing, but "I miss you!", "you're not home, where are you?", and "why aren't you answering me?". I didn't bother texting her or calling her back, because I was having too much fun here and spending time with Symphony. Completely changing the subject, I started thinking about how today was the last day of us as a couple- damn.

"Hey Dalton!", Lane knocked on the door and I told him to come in "really? You're not ready?"

"I just woke up", I yawned and he shook his head "why? What's up?"

"You've got thirty minutes, Symphony's grandmother wants groomsmen to take pictures", he stated and I grunted "I know, just hold it together for today then back home we go"

"Yeah, home", I mumbled digging through my drawer for clean underwear and socks

"What's wrong? Don't you want to go home?", he asked and I nodded a little "oh, I get it, you're gonna miss having Symphony as your girlfriend". I stayed quiet, no reason in denying it. Although it's been a few days, it was the best days that I've had this year and I didn't want it to end. For the first time, I didn't have to be the Dalton that was popular and surrounded by girls. I didn't have to be the Dalton that came home and saw my mother with bruises. I was myself here, so was Symphony and that's what I liked most about being here.

"Just tell her that you like her", Lane smirked sitting on the couch that was near the door "everyone knows except for you two"

"I have no idea what you're talking about", I lied walking into the bathroom "I think you're hallucinating"

"Yeah, sure I am", he agreed in a sarcastic tone

"Are you gonna leave or do you want to see me naked?", I joked peeking out at him, his nose scrunched and he left. Some steam filled the bathroom as I set the things that I needed down and stripped from my shirt and PJ pants. I held myself up with my arms to the shower wall as the hot water fell on me- I thought about everything....

Symphony wasn't the person that everyone saw at school. She was funny, sweet, and actually happy. She was obsessed with the 20's, like a nerd that was obsessed with Star Wars (no offense to my nerds out there.... You guys are awesome!). She knows how to plan weddings, spend her time at quiet little cafés, and loves art. She had a her heart broken by an idiot who doesn't deserve her. And she holds the burden of her cousin's death and has a mother that doesn't even recognize her existence. In the midst of her families bullshit, I only saw her and how she's a fighter. She got me.... She got me to like her in a matter of a week and I don't mind at all. There's only one thing to question...

What happens after today?


"Alright, let's have a few pictures then we'll have the bridesmaids and groomsmen", Nana announced when I finally came in the tux "Dalton, your tie sweetie"

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