He Made It (Short)

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Symphony's POV

Lane texted me this morning, telling me that Dalton was coming on the trip- shit! He's actually come? What made him change his mind?! More importantly, what am I going to wear!

"Calm yourself", I yawned and stretched. Although I told them about the vacation late and they had a day to give an answer, all their parents said yes. I told them to meet at my house and we'll drive to the airport. It felt weird not wake up to a song today. Dad and Carrie left yesterday night, we had a little dinner and said goodbye.

"All packed", I sighed in relief and began to get ready. Once I was all cleaned and dressed, the door rang- let's see who's on time...

"Morning!", Candy yelled, breaking my eardrum then hugged me "I'm so excited!"

"Did she have coffee?", I asked NaTasha and Lane, they nodded "oh god. Well come in, put your bags here. Make yourselves comfortable"

"Woah, I'm in Symphony's house!", David gasped and the girl next to him nudged him "ow! What?!"

"Hey I'm Symphony", I greeted the girl and held out my hand

"I'm Riley", she replied with a small smile and shook my hand "thanks for inviting us"

"No problem", I nodded and printed to the kitchen "does everyone want breakfast?"

"Whatcha got in there?", Candy wiggled her eyebrows and followed me into the kitchen. She made a nutella sandwich with banana slices, while I made hot chocolate with a ham sandwich. We sat around talking for a bit, some getting warm by the fire and the doorbell rang

"That must be Dalton", Lane said getting up and answered the door "hey man! Come in"

"Hey, where's everyone?", I heard him ask and looked down at my hot chocolate

"He made it, he actually made it", Candy smirked nudging me and I blushed

"David?", Dalton raised his eyebrows seeing his friend "you're coming too?"

"Yup, with Riley", he answered with a big smile and I can feel Dalton looking at me

"Hey Dalton", Jeremiah waved and Dalton waved back. I looked up at him and smiled a bit

"Hi Dalton", I spoke

"Hi Symphony", he replied and I looked at my watch

"We should actually get going", I mumbled standing and everyone got ready. It wasn't snowing today, but it was still cold- beach here we come!


Thankfully I had time buy another ticket for Dalton and we went through the whole boarding process

"Enjoy your flight Ms. Bannister", the ticket woman spoke with a smile

"Thank you", I smiled and walked passed her

"She knows your name?", David frowned and Candy nodded

"It's one of her family's jet we're getting on", Candy answered pointing at the window to see the name "Bannister" on the tail

"Woah", he whispered following us and we boarded the jet

"Good Morning Ms. Bannister and her guests", the pilot greeted me and I shook his hand "hope you enjoy your flight"

"And I hope you drive safely Captain", I smirked and he nodded

"Of course, please be seated, we'll be taking off in 5", he announced and I made it to the recliner. I've never flown without my Dad..... Wait! I've never flown without my Dad! What am I going to do?! I put on my seatbelt and pulled down the shades beside me

"You okay Symph?", Candy asked with a worried expression and I nodded

"I'm okay", I sighed and closed my eyes. The jet started to move and my hand held on to the arms of the chairs for my dear life. I felt a warm hand on top of mine, soothing the tension in my hand with the thumb. Looking over, I see Dalton, reading his book like nothing is happening while his hand relaxed me. My hand loosened and he grabbed onto it, lacing our fingers together. I took a deep breath as the jet took of into the sky and it felt pretty normal

"You alright now?", he asked softly still reading at his book

"Yes, thank you", I exhaled looking down

"No problem", he answered nonchalantly, but I noticed his cheeks turning a bight red

"Is your mom okay?"

"After you left she woke up, my grandmother should be with her now", he answered turning the page and continued to read

"You didn't have to come... I know your mother needs you"

"On the contrary, she's the one that forced me to go", he chuckled and his thumb began to caress my hand again "she says that I stress and work to much"

"Where do you work now?"

"Supermarket, I unload and stock things in their place", he explained and I nodded "nothing too fancy, but something to help my mom get by"

"She's lucky to have you as a son", I commented and this time he looked at me. I took the chance to look at his every feature. He shaved, cut his hair to how it used to look, he still looked tired and worn out, and the cut on his was a bit healed along with his lip. It's been a year and although we both changed.... I still loved him.... Wait! Loved?!

"You okay?"

"Um yeah, just realized I left something.... I don't need it though", I lied quickly and he stared at me for a while before nodding and looking back at his book.

Dalton's POV

"She's lucky to have you as a son", she commented and I immediately looked at her. It was literary killing me not grab her and kiss her right now. I had to wait.... I had to explain and let everything out. I had to tell her that I love her, but not now. She's still beautiful. She looked a bit drain and tried, but still beautiful. I can't take my eyes off of her. Her hair grew out and now shoulder length, I like it. She still wore her piercings and I noticed a new tattoo on her wrists.

We stared at each other for a while, before her eyes widened and her cheeks turned pink

"You okay?", I asked as she looked away

"Um yeah just realized I left something.... I don't need it though", she said quickly and I knew she was lying, but I didn't press further. I looked at her for a while then continued to read my book.

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