New Year's Kiss

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For New Years, Candy and NaTasha's parents had planned a little dinner and invited us- that was really sweet of them. For the special celebration, the girls and went out to get our nails done and shop for some dresses.

"You picked a perfect dress", Candy commented smiling as I looked in the mirror "here are the heels"

"You said they were flats", I whined and she gave an innocent look

"I knew you wouldn't wear them if I said heels, so I lied", she replied and I glared at her "love you"

"Yeah yeah", I mumbled sitting on her bed to put on the heels

"So when is your hubby coming?", she asked and I groaned

"Please don't use that word", I answered and she laughed "and he should be here when the party starts, he gonna pick up Lane, David, and Jeremiah"

"Great!". After getting dressed and "glammed up" as Candy said, we went downstairs and joined the party. I bit my lip and tapped my foot anxiously

"What's wrong with you?"

"Dalton hasn't been calling or texting me back since we've been back", I stated and they looked surprised "I didn't mean to sound whiny...."

"Just let him explain, I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation", Natasha said and I nodded

"You're so cute when you pout!", Candy awed and I rolled my eyes "but don't worry that idiot loves you so much, I'm positive he has a good reason". I breathed a little easy after they said, it definitely wasn't like me to be all whiny and over thinking about a boy.

We arrived at the place that the party was held, which was really fancy. The valet parking really helped, Candy didn't have to drive around looking for a spot.

"Hey Girls!", Candy's mom yelled smiling brightly "you all look so beautiful!"

"Thanks", we replied awkwardly

"Where are the boys?", she asked

"They should be here soon", Natasha answered and she nodded

"Well if you want I could introduce you to our friends", she suggested which was more directed toward to me, Candy and Natasha must've already know their parent's friends

"Yeah", I nodded, she clapped excitedly and took my hand- uh oh, what have I done?

Dalton's POV

"You know, if you fidget even more we're gonna whined up crashing", Lame smirked as I drove the car

"Sorry", I mumbled keeping my eyes on the road and couldn't but sigh "I haven't had the time to talk to Symphony over the week and I think she's gonna kill me"

"Nah, she'll just glare at you", David pointed out

"Well that's worse than killing me, I don't want her angry at me", I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair the hundredth time today

"Knowing her, she's already angry", Lane joked, David chuckled

"You're not helping", I grunted glaring at him, he lifted his hands in surrender

"You're like an married man when you talk about Symphony", Jeremiah mentioned, smiling and I blushed

"It was a horrible decision bring it up, can we stop?", I said trying to reframe from pouting and they laughed

"You look like a lost puppy now! Where's my best friend?!", Lane pleaded and I groaned- this is gonna be a long ride....

Us? Together?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang