Chapter Three

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Richard ran his hand over his lips. The kiss surprised him. He did not expect to find such passion in such a little mouse. He took her for an innocent but now that he has tasted her lips he was not so sure. He knew one thing for certain he was most definitely intrigued. A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

"Enter," he hollered from behind the dressing screen, placed to give him privacy as he bathed.

Juliana opened the door slowly peeking in so not to find herself in another compromising position. She stepped in the room but she did not see him. "My Lord?" she called out.

Damn it, it was her. So absorbed in thought he had forgotten she said she would return. "I am here. In the bath," he answered shaking his head grateful for the screen to hide his dismay.

"Oh," was the quiet whisper he heard from the other side and he smiled for she also seemed disconcerted. "Shall I come back, my Lord?" she asked, knowing she had to ask but thinking the answer should be an obvious one.

"No." was the not so obvious answer she received. "I need my robe. Please fetch it here. Just drape it over the screen."

She saw the robe on the four-poster bed and practically ran it over to him. The idea of him sitting in that tub naked as a newborn babe...well her imagination was running amuck. As she reached the screen she realized her height restricted her from draping the robe over the screen as he requested. Instead she draped it over her arm and standing with her back to the screen handed the robe to him.

Lying there with eyes closed he wondered at the feeling of soft fabric as it touched his face. Opening his eyes he saw she had reached behind the screen to hand him his robe. "I thought I told you..."

He did not get the chance to finish before she interrupted him, "My stature does not allow me to do as you ask, my Lord. I am afraid this is the best I can do." She did not have to see him to know he was secretly laughing at her. She had always thought herself to be a good person so she could not understand why God wished to torture her so.

Taking the robe from her she felt his moistened skin as the back of his hand brushed the inside of her arm and she shivered. Richard noticed the goose bumps on her skin and as he donned his robe. The devil in him made it impossible not to mention it. "Funny, you would think I would suffer the shivers being just out of the water."

Juliana sent a silent prayer thanking God for the screen that concealed her murderous look. Snatching her arm back she felt she needed to answer him although she knew it was a rhetorical statement. "The water is cold. You dripped some on me is all."

Stepping from the tub, he tied his robe and joined her on the other side.

"It is not fair," she thought miserably. He somehow managed to find a way to make himself even more appealing. She blushed shamefully as she openly admired how his wet hair clung to the sides of his face the dark chestnut color turning almost black. His silver eyes glittered with amusement.

She was blushing again. Smiling, he looked down at her and nodded. "I see. That must be the reason."

His taunting infuriated her. "As if there could be any other reason?" Juliana thought mutinously. However, when Richard turned to look at her she realized to her shock and horror those words were spoken. He took her challenge. Richard had crossed the room in two steps and had gathered her up in his arms making the thought of hasty retreat pointless.

"I can think of one other reason," he said. He held her in place and briefly brushed his lips over hers. He relished her response as her lips parted in a sigh.

He thought to take advantage and deepen the kiss, but had a point to prove. Holding her closer, he moved to begin kissing the side of her neck.

His still wet skin caused the soft material of his robe to contour to his body. She could feel the dampness through her own clothes as she molded to him. He trailed moist kisses across the throbbing pulse of her neck and she could not stop the onslaught of chills that cascaded down her spine.

He caught the soft moan that escaped her lips. The sound of it begging him to explore further but instead he stopped his lovemaking and took a step back, smiling his most wicked smile and said, "Of course, it is only a theory."

Juliana knew this had to stop. She must for her own sake stop inciting him. He was obviously no stranger to the world of lust but if she were not careful she would be his next victim. With his looks and charms he must have every available chit falling at his feet. Her own reaction to him surprised her, however. She felt powerless to stop him. Perhaps that was because a part of her did not want him to stop, a part of her wished he would go on forever.

Juliana blushed shamefully at her thoughts and curtsied deeply. "May I assume, my Lord, now that you have proven your point I may return to work?"

Richard chuckled slightly but gallantly bowed saying, "If you must. "

Juliana nodded and quickly and efficiently went to completing her tasks. She could not possibly get them done quick enough.

Manhandling was part of the job, especially with the men Lady Catherine took in to entertain from time to time. They thought nothing of trying to grope her in the hall or to catch her alone to steal a kiss or two but they all left her cold. Richard however with one touch, one kiss, hell one look, could make her feel on fire. "How is this possible?" she wondered stealing a glance at him across the room.

She was looking at him as if he were some kind of anomaly she was trying to figure out. He did not particularly like the thought of being studied like some sort of science experiment. He much preferred her looking at him with those soft bedroom eyes, caught somewhere between excitement and anticipation.

Juliana looked away again. Richard took his clothes and went back behind the screen to dress. He half thought of teasing her further by disrobing in front of her but that could wait, why rush things. He did not have the time to press his advantage. Mother would be expecting him for tea.

As soon as Richard disappeared behind the screen, Juliana made her escape. She quickly finished with her tasks and did not want to be caught dawdling just in case Richard wanted to pick things up where he left off.

Richard just smiled when he heard his door quietly shut. "You can run little mouse but not hide." 

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