Chapter Eleven

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Juliana has a piece of toast and tea for breakfast not able to eat more at the coaching inn that was the last leg of her journey. She would be in London today and see Annabelle. She wondered how her friend may have changed. It had been quite some time since she had last seen her. At sixteen Annabelle was sent off to her Aunt to be presented and had a husband by the end of the first season as she was touted as high beauty. Something Lady Catherine had enjoyed taking credit for, when the post would arrive from Lady Catherine's sister about Annabelle's progress.

"The coach is ready, Miss." the tavern owner told her and Juliana settled up with him for her stay and breakfast. He had returned some coins to her, "You hardly touched your meal, Miss. Keep your money, you may need them in the days to come."

"Thank you, sir." Juliana said putting the coins back in her reticule. 

Once aboard, Juliana felt a surge of excitement. In a few hours she will be in her new home and in her new position. Yes, she was still a servant but she knew things would be different now that she was no longer under the rule of that tyrant, Lady Catherine. 

She wondered how Richard was fairing. Oh, how she missed him. She briefly touched her lip. His kiss had inspired such emotions and feelings she knew she would never find its like again. She may die a spinster, however not unloved but loved but once. 

When in Town she had hired a hackney to take her the rest of the way. 

"We are here, Miss." Juliana took in the grand Townhouse on the crescent. The impressive exterior was a smooth-finished, cream-colored stucco laid on over brick, and artfully lined to imitate the look of large marble blocks.

The door swung open before Juliana made it up the few short stairs. 

"Finally!" Annabelle said flushed with excitement. She grabbed Juliana in her embrace.

Annabelle was overjoyed to see Juliana again. "I can not believe what good fortune it was that I received that letter from Mother telling me you wished to come here." Annabelle said as she practically squeezed the life out of her childhood friend and teacher.

"It has been a long time." Juliana said giving the woman a peck on the cheek.

Look at me, jabbering about nonsense while your jacket is still on," Annabelle smiled warmly at Juliana. "God but it is good to see you again."

"With a welcome such as yours, it is good to be here." Juliana agreed. "So where are the young ones I need to teach?" Juliana asked removing her hat and gloves as well as her jacket as she took a look around the house.

"Oh," Annabelle seemed suddenly startled. "Come into the parlor," she motioned for Juliana to follow. "I made sure there would be tea ready. I was not quite sure when your coach was due in but I believe it should still be hot," Annabelle rushed on, pouring Juliana a cup as she spoke.

Juliana knew something was a miss. Ever since she was a child, whenever Annabelle had some news to impart good or bad one could always tell by her actions. She seemed to speed up somehow. Resting her arm on Annabelle's, Juliana calmed Annabelle long enough coax her to take a seat across from her.

"Annabelle what's wrong?"

"Well..." Annabelle hesitated only a moment before deciding it was best to just tell her the truth. "Juliana, my children already have a tutor. He's a wonderful elderly gentleman who lives only a few blocks away and the boys do their studies with him."

Juliana looked at her friend slightly confused. "Boys? But I thought I was being brought here to..."

Annabelle just shook her head in denial of Juliana's unfinished statement.

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