Chapter Twenty-Two

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The next day Richard met with Mr. Chase again.

"I did not expect to see you so soon," Mr. Chase had said offering Richard a seat in his den.

"I have some disturbing news to impart. Will we be undisturbed here?" Richard asked looking over to the doors.

"Yes, Emmaline never interrupts when it comes to business," Mr. Chase assured.

Richard took a deep breath. "It has been a strange turn of events. It would seem that Marcus was hired at Bentley Manor after you let him go, but has since been moved on due to his instability."

Mr. Chase looked concerned. "He could be anywhere, then."

"Yes," Richard admitted. "I think it best you take your wife and go someplace safe for a while."

"I will not be driven from my home," Mr. Chase said rather adamantly, "besides you have no idea if it was Marcus who killed my Cecilia. I do not wish to disturb my wife further for no reason."

Richard stood up and began pacing. "Mr. Chase, was Cecilia strangled?"

Pain briefly flickered in the older man's eyes but was quickly smothered and replaced with anger. "I have paid handsomely for this information to be kept hidden! Who told you this? We did not even have the coffin open during the vigil. I kept professional watchers at her side to be certain the coffin would remain undisturbed. There were telltale bruises on Cecilia's neck from where her stockings had rubbed and squeezed the life from her body."

Richard felt ill thinking of the poor girl dying in such a way.

"It was Marcus."

Mr. Chase shuddered as a sudden chill ran down his spine.

"Marcus said my Cecilia was strangled?"

"Not just strangled but strangled with her own stockings. Sir, please! I beg of you, take your wife and flee this place just for a little while. I will continue the hunt for Marcus. I must for no one we love, or hold dear will be safe until this killer is captured and made to pay for his crime."

Mr. Chase just nodded in agreement.

"Once you have settled yourselves send me word. I promise to keep you apprised of the situation by post. Especially if we have apprehended him, so you know it is safe to return."

"Have you spoken with Barneby?" Mr. Chase asked.

"Yes, I am going to arrange another visit today. He is unaware of my true identity. I figured he would be more open if he thought me a common man. That is how I had learned that Marcus had gained employment in my household. Now, I can only hope he has heard from his son."

Before he took his leave. Mr. Chase had informed him they have another home in Chatsworth that he inherited. They would go there and wait to hear news from Richard on when it was safe to return. He gave Richard the address. Now it was back to Barneby Smith's shop.

"Back again so soon Mr. Kane," Barneby asked taking a break from his work to see what he could do for the young man.

"Well, you had done such a great job with Midnight's shoe, I was wondering if anything could be done with this saddle?"

Upon inspection, Barneby informed him it may take a day or two to fix. The main fastener was cracked which meant he would have to forge a brand new buckle and the stir-ups looked to be worn beyond repair as well.

"That will be fine," Richard said. "I passed by the Bentley place today. You were right, that place does look like a palace."

"Amazing what you can do if you have money, Cyril," Barneby said right before telling Richard he would be better off purchasing a whole new saddle.

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