Chapter Twenty-Four

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"...and Arthur pulled the sword from the stone," as Juliana foretold she acted out the scene brandishing her invisible sword triumphantly into the air, "and became King of all Camelot. The end."

Willy had already fallen fast asleep, but Alex hung on her every word. "That was a great story!" Alex said as he snuggled a little deeper under the covers.

"So glad you enjoyed it. It was my favorite story when I was a child."

"Juliana?" Alex said his eyes starting to get heavy-lidded.

"Yes, Alex?" Juliana replied while tucking the youngster into bed.

"Are you going to marry Uncle Richard?"

Out of the mouths of babes, Juliana thought smiling down at Alex's angelic face.

"I most certainly hope to," Juliana said brushing a wayward curl from Alex's forehead.

"Me too," Alex said sleepily "because then you would be my Aunt and we would have cousins to play with."

A rush of joy filled her heart, at the boy's words. It would be a dream come true to be married to Richard and have his children.

"You would make a great mother," Alex said interrupting her thoughts. Juliana smiled and kissed Alex's forehead.

"As you have?" she asked.

"Uh-huh," he answered, struggling to stay awake and keep his eyes open. "But until then you can continue to read to us if you like?"

"I would like that very much," Juliana told him.

"Me also." Alex smiled up at her. "Good night, Juliana."

"Good night, Alex. Sweet dreams."

As Juliana descended the staircase the house was cloaked in darkness. The only light was coming from an oil lamp on a table in the downstairs hall. Everyone had turned in for the night and the whole house seemed still. Juliana was not surprised. Annabelle most likely believed if they were not around to distract her that she would be able to keep her word about going to bed.

Her thoughts drifted to Alex and his conversation about his Uncle. Richard asked her to plan the wedding while he was away but she could not bring herself to do so. She and Annabelle had looked for some fabric to have a new dress made but her heart was not in her task. If only he would write to her, even a quick little note to let her know he is alive and well. The not know was killing her. She immediately felt guilty at this thought. Richard had his hands full with all his dealings at home. She would just need to be patient.

Then she thought of Alex wanting cousins to play with. She could easily envision a family outing where her sons and Alex and Willy were playing together. It was a fantasy that brought with it such feelings of utter happiness she hugged herself tightly wanting to hold onto the feeling. The thought left a smile on her lips. She thought about a cup of tea before bed but figured no sense to it, she was only delaying the inevitable and decided to turn in.

Juliana looked for a match to light a candle by her bedside but there was none to be found. Annabelle told her how mad Mrs. Moore has been at preparing her a room every night and every night Annabelle was unsuccessful at producing a guest, that was of course until tonight. The housekeeper most likely forgot to leave them thinking it unnecessary. No matter, soon her eyes would adjust to the darkness.

Juliana pulled the curtain open to let in some moonlight. Even though she was on the first floor the bedroom was surrounded by the Kane's private garden so she could still undress with modesty. Juliana shivered slightly from the cool breeze drifting in from the window. She thought of closing it but decided she rather enjoyed the cool air that came through. Looking back at her bed she now could make out the shape of the four posters and the bed curtains and on the trunk was her nightdress. Juliana slowly undressed, got into her nightclothes, and after giving up on trying to untangle her hair climbed into bed snuggling under the warmth of the covers.

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