Chapter Thirty-one

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Annabelle woke early wanting to see Cyril and Juliana off and knowing Juliana would want to get the earliest start possible. Cyril was already out of bed and dressed by the looks things and she hoped she was not too late.

She worried about them both and Richard. Who knows where all this craziness would lead them? How had so much gotten out of hand so easily?

"Juliana?" Annabelle said knocking on her door, but although her bags were still there she was gone. Perhaps they moved on to have a little something to eat before they left.

She entered the parlor and then the dining room where she had seen Cyril with a cup of tea. "Cyril? Where is Juliana?"

"Gone I'm afraid." And then seeing the look of panic in her eyes, added, "No worries, I know where she is headed and she will only be about..." looking at his pocket watch.., "less than thirty minutes ahead of me."

"You are going after her then?" Annabelle asked sitting next to him.

"Of course, Dear. You know she would have snuck off in the middle of the night, not wanting to put us in any danger. I made sure she had what she needed to stay protected and I will not be too far behind her. I plan to stay until she meets up with Richard and then I will come home. Will you and the boys be alright?"

Annabelle leaned over and kissed her husband. "We will be fine. In fact, I am thinking we may just stay on here a while until I get word from you that you are on your way home. I get the feeling Alex will feel more secure if we are both there with them."

"You know best. Now," he said standing up he held his hand out to her, she took it and rose to stand with him, "I love you, Annabelle. I do not foresee any trouble but if I have learned anything in the last few days it would be not to take anything for granted."

With that being said, he pulled her towards him and kissed her soundly. Reluctantly he pulled away. "Take care of yourself and the boys for me. I will try and be home as soon as I possibly can."

A little teary-eyed, Annabelle nodded not sure she could speak just yet. "I do not know how I ever lived without you, Cyril. You know this is the first time we will be separated since before we were wed. Please do not keep me waiting. You know I do not do well with having to wait."

Cyril laughed at this. He did know his wife could be a trifle impatient but it was just one of the many things he loved about her. "I promise."

She walked him to the door and kissed him goodbye, hoping they all would be together again soon.


Juliana woke before the break of dawn. She left her belongings behind. They would not serve her where she was headed. She needed to be stealthy and a woman traveling alone stood out.

Cyril had made sure she was taken care of. In the bag she could carry with her was two sets of men's clothing, she wound her hair up tight like she had so many times when she was a servant and tucked it under a cap. The coat was a little large but being a tall woman helped her fill out the clothes. She bound her breasts, which proved an easy task, as she was not exactly a buxom woman. Taking a final look at her appearance she felt satisfied so long as she did not let anyone get too close she could pull this off.

Cyril knew exactly where Richard was headed including the path he chose to follow. He wanted Cyril to know should anything happen to him, where to look. It amazed her how close those two had become. Richard had even called him brother.

She knew Richard would have to stop for the night and so wanted an even earlier start so she could make up some time. Hopefully, Richard did not think the same, or there would still be a great distance between them and she may not catch up until they reached Bath.

From the AshesΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα