Chapter Thirty-six

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Juliana arrived just in time for the family meeting. The boys had drifted peacefully to sleep, obviously happy and content to have their father home again.

Richard had read his sisters the letter and as Annabelle had already caught Clara up on the events that have transpired during Juliana's stay with her, they were now about to discuss whether or not they should pursue things further or bank on the letters to keep them safe.

Richard and Cyril seemed to be at odds over what should be done.

"I believe we should just trust that the letters will be enough," Cyril was saying as Juliana entered the room. Richard had already told her of their existence and why as they traveled.

"I am not so certain, Cyril," Richard said, motioning to Juliana to take a seat and Clara poured her some tea.

"For one we have no idea what those letters contain," Juliana spoke up, showing Richard he had her full support. Richard beamed at her.

Cyril frowned. He had hoped she would be on his side on this as she really was his only chance of talking Richard into backing off of the idea. He never got a chance to talk to her alone before returning home and obviously, Richard had and now he would need to make a very strong argument indeed.

"Do not misunderstand me. I want this to be over as much as you do. I am just not certain if baiting the bear is the correct way to go about this," Cyril reasoned.

Richard bristled. "I would not do anything that would put your family or mine in jeopardy. You should know better than that by now."

"Intentionally no, of course, you would not," Cyril soothed, "but as we have experienced with Juliana already things happen that are not always in our control."

Richard looked grim. Cyril made a good point but Richard felt in his heart if he were to ever have a true shot at happiness this had to end and end now or there would be a black cloud shrouding their family forever.

"What if you tell us, Richard," Clara began, "how is it you plan to find out the truth behind all that has occurred?"

Always the sensible one, Richard smiled at her. He really had not given her much credit in their youth, she always seemed older than her years, but being the oldest he always easily dismissed her. Juliana, Annabelle and he were always off adventuring or getting into trouble but Clara was always far to level headed even back then, an attribute he now admired.

"My thought was we do not let on that Mother has died. We do let it be known she has returned home. It seemed rather important that she get away and stays away as Dooley had been instructed to cut her off financially and she did not contact him for more funds and did not return home but stayed holed up in her flat in Bath."

"Perhaps, just saying she came home will be enough to draw this person out. It is evident they must have threatened her life. Perhaps they would try and finish the job."

"And what then?" Cyril says, "Who else needs to die? The risk is too high to yourself or Juliana as I am certain she will be returning home with you."

Juliana just looked patiently at Richard. She said she would support whatever his decisions were but she really did not expect he would try to separate from her again, now she worried perhaps she was wrong.

"I can keep Juliana safe. She will be with me. I wish to marry the moment we return home. Legally showing to whoever this mastermind is that Juliana is now a part of my family and therefore falls under Mother's clause for protection. Only then will she be safe."

"Why wait until you return to the Manor? Why not marry in London?" Annabelle said not liking the idea of not being present but if Richard's intentions were to draw out a possible killer she would not risk any of her family Cyril, or the boys it was not even up for discussion.

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