The end of "The Ed's"

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Author note. I do NOT own any of the characters mentioned in this story. Ed, Edd and Eddy belong to their rightful creators while Nat and Rave belong to their respected owners as well.

The sound of an open palm clashing against another's cheek rang out loudly through the room. Edd's eyes widened with fear as the shorter boy blew up on him. "What have I told you about going through my phone, Edd!?" Eddy began screaming and Edd cowered slightly remembering the past times Eddy had gotten this mad.

"B-but Eddy, the phone lit up and I seen Nazz's name p-pop up. I-I was simply curious Ed-" Another smack.

Eddy now flaming at this point began pushing Edd against a wall roughly. "I'm your boyfriend Edd! You're supposed to trust me! When have I given you a reason not to!?"

Finally getting fed up with the Eddy's behavior, Edd snapped. "RIGHT NOW, EDDY! RIGHT NOW YOU ARE GIVING ME YET ANOTHER REASON!" A soft sigh is heard before Edd is released from the wall, while Eddy backs away. "You're right, I'm sorry"

Moving away from the wall Edd heads towards the door, Eddy grabbing his waist and resting his head on Edd's back. "I really am sorry Edd." Shrugging Eddy off and looking back at him Edd shrugs and explains. "You're always sorry Eddy, you were sorry when you cheated. You were sorry when you forced my first kiss on me. You were sorry when you pushed yourself on me a little too fast and now you're sorry for hitting me?" Edd begins to tear up as he lectures Eddy. "Sorry doesn't fix a broken toy Eddy. Sorry doesn't give me all the years I put into the friendship and relationship back. Sorry just isn't what I want or need anymore. I'm done falling for it." Eddy stands there mouth agape and frozen to his spot as Edd turns to leave the house but not before whispering just loud enough for Eddy to hear, "it's over Eddy, I can't take the abuse and lies anymore." With tear stained cheeks, Edd leaves shutting the door behind him. This being the last time he ever plans to exit this peculiar door.

With nothing left to do seeing as his date with his now ex-boyfriend is cancelled, for good reason, he starts walking to the only person's house he really talks to other then his now ex. Taking out his phone he begins sending a text to Ed to tell him he'll be heading over and to have the mindless monster movies and popcorn ready. But before he could send it he accidentally collided into someone.

"O-oh dear, m-my sincerest a-apologies..' Edd mumbled trying to keep his face down so they wouldn't see the tears on his face. The person he bumped into began blushing and fumbling on his words. "My oh my, what am I going to do with myself. I can't take a measly five steps without colliding into another. I must work on my ob-" he stops mid sentence when he gets a better look at Edd. "Oh my, are you okay? Did it hurt that badly? Are you injured? I wasn't aware we collided that hard"

Edd smiles a little at hearing this stranger ramble. Nodding slightly he begins to explain "N-no I'm fine, it wasn't the accidental clash that has me flustered. No need to worry mister.. uh.." the stranger smiling slightly nods "My name is Rave, and please no mister. I only get that on stage depending on my role. Now if you would give me just one second." Rave walks a little distance away to a tree reaching behind it, a yelp can be heard before a strange green haired boy gets pulled from behind it.

He hears the whimpers as the green haired boy is being dragged over towards edd. "U-um might I ask what is going on?" Rave looks to Edd and nods. "Sure, this here is some creep that won't leave me alone." Turning his attention back to the green haired boy he holds his hand out and taps his foot. "Phone." The green haired boy pouts a little before handing it over. Putting a hand on his neck and looking over towards Edd. "So, uh, Rave who is this scrumptious looking friend of yours?"

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