Shine On

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This is your author here. I would like to say that I appreciate all of your support and comments and adds, I have worked on this story for a few months but I've determined that I will be ending it this chapter. This is the last chapter and I hope you guys like it, the thing is I had an ending in mind and the ending is actually what started the story, this chapter actually has a way to fit that ending in. I could have ended it a few times but I wanted to keep it going for a bit. I will be taking any questions you guys have or anything as well I'm not ending it because I got bored with it or anything, I just feel like this story is best kept short for my first fanfic. I may end up doing one shots as well if you guys want to request some. Well anyway now into my disclaimers. I would like to reiterate that I do not own any of the characters mentioned in this story, simply the storyline is mine. I would like to thank all of my readers and followers for encouraging me to take the story as far as I have. Shine On is my baby right now and it has made me so happy to know that people actually liked it so thank you very much and without further ado my darlings... here is the final chapter of Shine On- chapter 11 Shine On. P.S. the video is of Nat's ring tone on Kevin's phone xD.

The movie had long ago ended but neither boy moved. Kevin sat still as a statue, trying his best not to move. Eddward had fallen asleep during the movie, still on Kevin's lap. He had practically curled into a ball on Kevin's lap, his head resting on the redhead's chest. When the movie had ended Kevin went to say something to Eddward and that's when he realized he had fallen asleep. Kevin tried his best to get his rapid beating heart back under his control but he had failed. All he could do was stay still so as not to wake Edd. He had covered Edd up and placed a kiss on his cheek then quit moving altogether. He had been sitting here contentedly watching the smaller boy sleep while using him as a pillow. Kevin leaned back into the couch getting ready to go to sleep himself when his phone went off. I'M MISTER BOOTY MAN, I'M MISTER BOOTY MAN

Cursing himself and Nat's bad timing Kevin quickly silenced his phone, but the damage had already been done as Eddward began to stir. He sighs as Eddward cracks open his eyes slowly. The boys eyes widened slightly as he realized Kevin was so close, they practically popped open when he realized he was still on Kevin's lap. "M-my apologies K-Kevin. I don't recall falling asleep. This position must have been quite uncomfortable." Kevin shrugged and smiled shaking his head a bit. "Nah D, don't even sweat it man, you're light as a feather anyway." This caused Edd to blush and scramble off of Kevin's lap, which Kevin reluctantly let him go so he could call Nat back. As he went to head outside he caught the curious look Edd was giving him and he points to his phone before stepping outside dialing. Nat picked up almost immediately. "TELL ME EVERYTHING!" Kevin cringed hearing Nat yelling through the speaker. "There's nothing to tell, man." "BULLSHIT KEVIN, I KNOW SOMETHING HAPPENED. ARE YOU STILL WITH HIM? YOU ARE AREN'T YOU!?" Kevin chuckled and looked around outside before answering. "Yeah man, I'm still with him. How'd ya know?" "Kevin you would have been back at the party by now if you weren't still with him. You're head over heels for the kid aren't ya?" Kevin thought for a moment before responding. "Yeah Nat, I am. I can't help it, D is just too hard to walk away from. He needed someone I stepped up and I couldn't help but fall along the way. We barely knew each other when we were younger but I want to know all I can about him, ya know?" He sighs before finishing his thought. "I just want a chance to show him how much I care about him." The other end was quiet for a bit before Nat spoke up. "Tell him. He needs to know don't you think?" Kevin cringed at the thought of laying everything bare before the genius. "Yeah I know, anyway I'm gonna go bye dude." As he rounded the corner to go back inside he bumped into Edd, eyes wide and covering his mouth he fled inside the house. Kevin followed quickly behind him.

"How much did you hear D?" Edd simply shrugged and went about cleaning up the living room. "N-not much Kevin I was simply going to ask you a question and over heard the end of your conversation, it was completely unintentional." Kevin turned red and asked once more. "Eddward I know you heard more then that, what was it?" Edd visibly flinched then hung his head in defeat. "I-I heard most of it.. about me that is." Kevin couldn't believe what he was hearing, he was silent for a minute before Eddward quickly began to talk again. "Kevin had you simply told me I would have already given you the answer."

Eddward watched as Kevin looked at him with curiosity shining in his emerald eyes. An unspoken question being spoken. Eddward couldn't run from these feelings anymore. He quickly nodded to Kevin, blushing all the while as Kevin rushed him, hugging him close. "Are you sure D?" Edd simply smiled his gap-tooth smile and nodded once more. "I've never been more sure of something Kevin." Edd was swept off his feet, literally. Kevin picked him up and carried him back to the couch, sitting Edd on his lap once more. This time Edd didn't squirm or fight it he simply relaxed, leaning back into his new boyfriend.

Edd smiled at the thought. Kevin was his now. How would that play out, he wondered. He felt Kevin shift under him before he heard his phone's dial tone. Kevin had put the phone on speaker and Edd looked back at him confused, Kevin placed a finger over his lips as the person on the other end answered. "What Kevin? We just got off the phone not even five minutes ago." Kevin chuckled and tightened his arms around Edd. "I know Nat but I gotta thank you." "What for?" Kevin smiled and nuzzled Edd's shoulder, Edd giggled and Nat didn't miss it.

"Was that Double Delish? Kevin did you? You did, didn't you?" Kevin laughed again. "Well yes it was D, but no I didn't confess. I didn't have to, he overheard me telling you." Nat practically squealed as he heard this, so did Rave since Nat had put them on speaker as well. Rave had spoken up. "Congrats you two, hope to see the happy couple make their debut in school someday soon." Edd looked at the ground at that. He doubted that Kevin wanted everyone to know he was bisexual and dating the biggest nerd ever. But Kevin chuckled and squeezed Edd a little bit in reassurance. "I'm thinking Monday, how about you Edd?" Edd's eyes were shining with unshed tears as he realized Kevin wasn't even going to try to hide their relationship, not like Eddy had. "That sounds positively delightful, Kevin" Edd smiles and places a gentle hand on Kevin's cheek, blushing slightly. Kevin quickly said his goodbyes then leaned up, pecking Eddward's lips. He couldn't help but love this boy in his arms, he never would stop loving him either.

He was going to be there for Edd, through it all. He was going to help him up when he got knocked down, he was going to stand with him and show him support. He was gonna make sure Edd knew what it meant to be loved and he was going to make sure that no matter what Edd would always shine on.

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