Twisted Fates

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Author note. I would like to reiterate that I do not own any of the characters mentioned in this story, simply the storyline. I'd also like to say thank you all again so much for the support and comments, I had no idea my story would really get any attention. Thanks darlings, you're all amazing! :D

Eddy giving up on seeing Edd walked away heading to Ed's house. "Eddy where is Double D!? Did the aliens take him!?" Sighing and getting frustrated with Ed already he smirks. "Yeah Ed, an alien sure did get ahold of him. Got into his head and I'm not sure we will be seeing him anymore. If he shows up don't let him in, he'll just try and abduct you for his new 'friends'" he spat the last word out vehemently.

Ed now looking terrified shouted. "But Eddy we have to save Double D! If the aliens got him we can just undo it like they did in the movie watched last week!" Eddy growled some, if Edd wasn't going to talk to him he would make it so he could talk to Ed. Shaking his head he put his diabolical brain to use. "Sockhead is too far gone Ed, nothing can bring him back to m-us. He chose the alien over me and you pal. I'm not sure how I could live with myself if he got to you too, lumpy. Promise you won't let him near you?" Of course Ed being the oaf he was agreed with almost no hesitation. "Okay Eddy, but if I feel I can save him I will try!" Smiling at himself Eddy agrees, sure lumpy. So how about a movie? He settles down onto Ed's couch and they put in some monster movie.

Kevin and Edd had sat down to lunch, during which Kevin asked Edd about his plans for the upcoming friday. Blushing furiously Edd simply shrugged. "Not that I am aware of as of yet." Kevin smiled and showed him the tickets. "So um, a friend of mine is in a play and gave me some tickets... interested?" Edd's beautiful blue eyes widening ever so slightly made Kevin smile, making Edd turn a brighter shade of red. "But Kevin, I couldn't possibly take your ticket. Your friend expects you to be there not me." Chuckling at Edd's misunderstanding Kevin swiftly begins explaining. "No dork, he gave me two, one for me and... well one for you, that is if you want to go.. with me?" Realizing how he had phrased the question Kevin turned red and before he could clarify Edd chimed in. "L-like as a d-date?" Kevin looked up at Edd and quickly shook his head. "No! Just as friends, I thought maybe you'd enjoy it and I would enjoy some company.. but if you don't want to that's cool." Edd trying to calm his rapidly beating heart, and failing miserably at it quickly agreed then mentally scolded himself. 'Why!? What on Earth made you ask that question Eddward!? You just made it awkward, as if Kevin could ever care for someone as broken and, and... well someone like you!'

Kevin smiled when Edd agreed. He didn't want to rush into anything, he didn't think Edd would use him as a rebound or anything, but Kevin knew that relationship hopping isn't something the dork is really capable of. He was glad that Edd understood that, or he thought that Edd had understood. He wasn't aware of what exactly was going through Edd's head seeing as he wouldn't make eye contact and seemed so out of it. 'I'm so mad at myself, I should have just agreed and not said anything. Why did I have to make a fool of myself! Kevin will never look at me th-' his thoughts suddenly stopped and his heart skipped a beat when he felt a hand on his knee. Looking up into eyes, so green they could make an emerald jealous, he heard Kevin clear his throat slightly. "You okay Double D?" Another heartbeat skipped and his face was a rather peculiar shade of red before he mustered up enough effort to answer him. "I-I'm fine Kevin."

Snorting at Edd's reaction he sat back and appreciated his masterpiece. A simple touch and a question could turn Edd this red? He'd hate to think his reaction if he just kissed him.. then again it would be a rather interesting sight.. thinking it over better Kevin leaned back into his seat. "If you say so, just don't beat yourself up about anything that's happened okay?" Nodding to Kevin Edd quickly decided to ask Kevin for his help. "U-um would you m-mind helping me choose my outfit for the party tonight? I-I know you said to be myself, but I feel that my usual attire would not be suitable for the party. And it may very well get you taunted for coming with someone so 'uncool' such as myself."

Kevin laughed at the dork's question. "Sure, but I don't care about what anyone else says. If you'd be more comfortable in what you usually wear just wear that. I'm not gonna judge you, and anyone who is doesn't really matter." Edd smiled at that and nodded. " I understand, but I'd really just rather fit in then give everyone a reason to start gossip and other useless things."

Kevin nods and looks at the other boy sitting across from him. Why couldn't he see how amazing he was? Why couldn't he see how much Kevin could care less what anyone else thought about him, and that he was wonderful? The way his eyes would sparkle when he sees something he appreciates, or the way he bubbles up with laughter after hearing something funny, how rosy his cheeks get when he gets embarrassed. As far as Kevin was concerned this dork, this amazing person he had the pleasure of knowing, was perfect. Maybe not in general but perfect for him, and he'd tell him one day. He'd make Edd see the beauty in himself one day. He just hoped it was soon. 'This friendship is going to be hell.'

Kevin helped Edd clean up then they went and Kevin helped Edd pick something out. The grabbed some black fitted jeans and a red shirt. 'Red always did look good on the dork' Kevin thought to himself. They soon found that Edd truly did have a lot of vests and dress shirts. Raising an eyebrow at the dork, Edd quickly began explaining. "Being well dressed at school makes me feel better, I won't be a distraction." Kevin quickly shook his head and muttered softly, so as not to be heard. "If only you knew." Edd came back with a different set of pants quickly exchanging them. "What's wrong with the other pants, dork?" Edd quickly blushes and shakes his head. " they are a bit too snug, I don't particularly care for clothing to hug me the way those pants do, they were given to me by Eddy so he'd, and I quote 'have something nice to look at.'" Kevin grabbed the jeans out of his hand and exchanged them again. "Just put them on, dork. You want to fit in, that will help." Edd walked away to shower and change leaving Kevin with only his thoughts.

Before long the door opened and Kevin had to remind himself to keep breathing. Looking Edd up and down made Kevin blush, he turned his head away to stop himself from staring at edd. Edd quickly getting flustered asked all the wrong questions. "Do I look bad? It's the jeans isn't it? I knew I should have wore the other ones! See Kevin, I told you." Chuckling a little Kevin looks back at Edd again, seeing him digging through his closet. Getting a nice look at the other boys rear end. "No you look.. really REALLY good." Kevin bit his tongue to keep himself from saying the next thing that popped in his head. 'Good enough to eat.' He thought silently. 'Damn does he look good, the pants are quite tight but it hugs in all the right places.'

Edd finally settles down with all the fidgeting and looks at the clock, realizing they had spent a lot more time together then he had thought. The clock now reading 4:37 he looked at Kevin. "Perhaps you should go get ready then we'll leave for dinner?" Kevin shook his head at the other boy. "Nah I'm going like this, and I'm not really hungry after eating lunch. Wanna go early and help my friend set up?" Edd's eyes widened then he nodded a little. "Sure, that sounds most pleasant Kevin." They quickly got into Kevin's mother's car, Kevin not wanting to terrify the dork by take his motorcycle, and headed off to Nat's.

After the movie had ended Eddy just wanted to go home and sulk. Running into Nazz on the way home. "Hey man, what's up?" She asked looking him over noticing his clothing. "You're still coming to the party aren't ya?" The party had slipped his mind but now that it was brought up again Eddy decided it was a much needed distraction. "Yeah, I'll go change then we can head out."

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