What Your 'Best Friend' Knows

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Author note, I would like to reiterate that I do not own any of the characters mentioned in this story, simply the storyline. Thank you all again for reading and be aware that this chapter has some slight violence. Anything in bold italics are song lyrics.

The music started blaring almost immediately after the knock sounded. Laughing a little at seeing Edd jump from the sudden noise, Nat shouts to him. "Sorry, I should have told you that I had the volume way up to test it the first time!" Grimacing at Nat's response Kevin smacks the back of Nat's head. "Go answer your door dude!" Nat nodded and walked over to the door. When the door opens, standing there is Rave. With a stance that could only be described as performance ready.

Nat feigned a swoon to please the young actor and Rave shook his head at him, his whole face lit up when he spotted Double D though. After adjusting the volume on the music so it wouldn't be ear piercing anymore Edd finally looks up, the brown haired boy waved him over. Looking rather meek Edd made his way over to Nat and Rave. Waving slightly at him Edd smiled. "Salutations Rave, nice seeing you again." He spoke very softly and looked at the floor. Rave grinned wide and began speaking. "Greeting Eddward, lovely seeing you here. Nice to know Nat actually does associate with people whom aren't total meat heads."

Kevin stepped beside Edd and placed an arm over Edd's shoulder, pulling him close. "Hate to break it to ya Rave, but Edd is actually here with me, Nat would have never been able to talk him into coming." Edd blushed a beautiful crimson trying to hide his face. But he lost track of the conversation, all he could hear was his heart beating in his ears. Kevin was actually touching him, he liked it. He felt safe and warm and then suddenly the feeling was gone and he snapped back to reality when Kevin removed his arm. The first thing Edd was able to hear again was one of the most embarrassing things he could have ever heard. "I think you broke him Kevin, and look at that blush!! If I didn't think he was cute before I sure would now!" Edd heard the sound of a fist making contact with someone's arm. "Damn it Nat, I told you not to scare Edd!"

Edd's heart missed a beat at hearing his name roll off of Kevin's tongue. Eddy never affected him the way Kevin is right now, why? Edd thought what he had with Eddy was pure up until Eddy started changing. Things focused more on scams then their relationship, more about how to make money as opposed to how to make Edd happy. When asked Eddy would tell him he needed money to spend on Edd, but Edd never did care for materials. Had Eddy put more effort into there relationship maybe, just maybe, they'd still be together and Edd wouldn't have delt with the emotional and physical abuse Eddy put him through. But that's history now. And it would seem that he was already to go for his next worst mistake.. Edd didn't know why but he wanted Kevin to be more then just a friend. So desperately did he want to be able to kiss him at random, be allowed to take his hat and hold it behind his back just so he could play with Kevin's hair. It looked so soft and Edd was simply itching to find out if it was actually as soft as it looked.

Noticing how quiet Edd had gotten Kevin leans down, his eyes meeting Edd's and smiles a little. "You okay Edd?" The recently subsided blush was now more prominent then ever. Quickly tugging his beanie down some Edd tried to keep his head low so as not to be noticed, but alas, luck was not on his side as Nat stepped closer and elbowed Kevin. "Woah dude, I can't believe you managed to snag some one as cute as Double Delectable over here. Wasn't even aware there was someone this cute in our school. I'm jealous." Edd quickly flees back to the safety of the DJ booth, trying his hand at being a DJ but was unfamiliar with the playlist.

Seeing songs like 'Bad Enough for You' and 'Keep the Change, You Filthy Animal'. His taste in music mainly stayed towards symphonies and orchestras, so at random he chose a song. The beginning chords to a song called 'A Love Like War' began playing and Edd walked away deciding to find Kevin. The few guests that were here paid no attention to Edd, he preferred it that way. He did run into Nat and Rave and they talked for a minute then Nat said he seen Kevin head to the kitchen as he was heading that way the song changed as he crashes into someone. He apologized and kept on his way to find Kevin. He began to panic as he still couldn't find Kevin and then something caught his attention.

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