Round and Round

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Author note. I would like to reiterate that I do not own any of the characters mentioned in this story, I only own the storyline. Thank you for all of your support darlings. Hope you like the newest chapter!!! :D

Stretching and rubbing his eyes groggily Edd glanced over at the clock, seeing it was still quite early he decided to shower and make breakfast. Checking his phone once he finished his shower. Taking note that Eddy texted him late last night. A text that he could only assume was sent while Eddy was intoxicated. It ranged from varying degrees of loving Edd to hating Edd, it was rather hard to follow and trying to keep track of it gave Edd a headache.

Edd unsure decided it was best not to call Eddy, it would only send mixed signals. Perhaps once the break-up has settled, and both the boys move on, they could move forward and be friends again, but Edd wasn't putting too much faith in that option. If a relationship wasn't safe with him then perhaps a friendship afterwards wouldn't be very efficient. The thought of the previous day with Eddy was enough to bring tears to Edd's eyes. 'Kevin's right, maybe this will help me forget.. even for just a little while' he thought silently.

Suddenly the boy's eyes widened. 'Oh drat! I still need to pick out an outfit.' Glancing at the clock he sighed realizing that he still had plenty of time on his hands. He went down to the kitchen and began making a small, but nutritious, breakfast. Thinking over all the events yesterday. From the painful, to the pleasant, and all the way back to just plain old odd. He smiled as he thought about Kevin asking him to a party. The fact that he is showing effort at all to cheer Edd up made him happy. Eddy may have claimed to love him but he never went out of his way. Just a day into this oddball friendship and Kevin has already tried harder then Eddy ever really did. That both irked and pleased Eddward.

Why of all people would Kevin befriend him? He asked himself this a few times, each time the boy managed to come up with absolutely nothing for an answer. Unable to tell his own worth to some people, unable to evaluate his own importance in the universe. Sometimes, though this may sound like utter nonsense, Edd wondered if the human population itself were not considered much like his ants to him? Someone somewhere cares for them but to most they are simply tiny little specks that barely light up on their radar. The thought was a bit depressing, mostly because when put into perspective like that Edd realizes that he pushed away the one that he once thought would love him. Sighing he finished his breakfast, quickly cleaned up what little mess he made then began working on his chores.

He had finished everything he had to do by about 10 o'clock, deciding that now would be a good time to catch up on some reading. He began reading his novel hoping the book would enthrall him, take him away to the mystery of what was going to happen next. And it did for a short while, as the moments seemed to tick by at an excruciatingly slow pace. It wasn't until he hit a good stopping point, and his stomach began to growl, that he looked at his phone. Seeing that 3 and a half hours had passed while the book painted a beautifully vivid scene in his mind. He reached for the book once more only to have his stomach growl at him again, almost mocking that he couldn't finish reading.

Kevin was by now awake and outside, as Edd was making his lunch he noticed that Kevin kept looking over at Edd's house. Perhaps trying to see if the other boy was okay? Only Kevin knew that answer, deciding to invite Kevin over for lunch he walks to the door and opens it, startled for a few reasons.

One was he opened the door to find that Kevin was already on the porch about to knock, another was that it seemed as though Kevin had brought Edd a... present? And lastly what really shocked him was neither that Kevin was outside or that he was hiding something behind his back from Edd, no it was the boy much shorter in stature then both him and Kevin that was walking up the walk looking seriously angry.

Why of all times did Eddy choose now to show up? When Kevin was here trying to be nice to Double D. He had two tickets to a play that Rave would be doing in his hand, hoping to surprise Edd with it. Rave took quite a liking to Edd and gave Nat three tickets to his play, the one was to go to Nat while the other two were for Kevin and Edd. Naturally Rave was reluctant to give Nat one but in order to make sure Kevin and Double D got their's he had to supply one for the middle man.

Nat had dropped them off this morning and Kevin had been pacing the street glancing at Edd's house many times deciding if he should ask as a friend or ask for a date. When he decided it was still too soon for the dork he walked up Edd's walk only to hear the most annoying voice shout at him. "Shovel chin! What ever brings you to Double D's house? And what on Earth are you hiding behind your back!?" Kevin gritted his teeth and continued walking up onto the porch, Eddy didn't like being ignored. As Kevin went to knock the door flew open, a pair of shocked blue eyes, little oceans that they were, sucked Kevin right into the depths and he was at a loss for words, then quickly coming to when he heard the stomping of feet behind him.

Moving as swiftly as he could he wrapped and arm around Edd's waist, to keep him balanced, as he pulled Edd inside and shut the door in Eddy's face. Leaning against it he could hear Eddy pounding on the door shouting obscenities. Smiling a little he looks at Edd who had gotten a little pale. "Are you okay Double D?" Nodding quickly Edd smiled at Kevin. "Quick thinking Ke-" the door was shoved into Kevin's side as Eddy continued to try and get in. Wincing at the contact Kevin looks at Edd realizing that he still had an arm around Edd. "Hey um would you mind reaching around me and locking the door when I lean against it? I'd rather not get hit again..."

Edd blushes and nods at the thought of having to be in such close proximity to Kevin. Leaning in to get his arms around Kevin was quite uncomfortable. They were so that his face was right by Kevin's neck, close enough that he could smell the scent of soap wafting around them. It was a pleasant scent and he lost focus for a moment until Kevin cleared his throat and muttered 'ready?' Edd being as distracted as he was didn't notice Kevin had turned red, his ears nearly rivaling his hair. In one swift move they had the door pushed all the way shut again and heard the lock click. Smiling some Edd pulled away slightly, looking at Kevin to comment that they had made a good team, but the moment his eyes met Kevin's his words died in his throat and his mouth went dry.

They were close enough that had one so much as twitched they would be flush against each other, their lips only inches apart. Glancing down at Kevin's lips and biting his own bottom lip, a scenario played in Edd's head. All he had to do was begin to move away from Kevin and "accidentally" lose his balance. Blushing furiously as the thought crossed his mind he quickly turned away, heart pounding in his chest. Why? Why did he feel this way? Shouldn't he still be broken up about Eddy? All of these questions ran circles in his mind making his head reel with the sudden realization he had made. The weight of it hitting him like a ton of bricks.

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