Can you love the broken?

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Author note. Storyline is mine, characters are not. I would like to take this moment and thank all of you who have read these few chapters and left kind words and/or added me to your reading list. I would like to thank all of you who have read these chapters at all, you're all precious my darlings and don't ever change that :D

After finally deciding to worry about what he was going to wear later he remembered he may have asked Kevin where it was, but it had entirely slipped Edd's mind to ask WHEN it was. 'Oh dear, what if he thinks I'm grasping at straws to find a reason to talk to him... Should I ask?' Sighing he takes out his phone. 'I need to know what time to be ready, that's all. He'll understand.'

To: Kev.

I'm terribly sorry Kevin, but it seems the thought to ask for more details must have slipped my mind. What time shall I be ready by?

Kevin being in the shower didn't get the message immediately. Once again making Edd nervous. He gets sort of fidgety waiting for Kevin's response. He decides to lay down trying to relax. Suddenly his phone buzzing pulled him out of his own thoughts.

From: Kev.

Sorry twerp, I was in the shower. I think it's starting at 6. I'll find out for sure.

Kevin quickly sends a message to Nat.

To: Nat

Hey dude, when is the party? I forgot to ask.

Waiting for the reply he goes and makes himself a quick dinner, he figured that by the time he finished making it the response should be there.

From: Nat

It's gonna be at 6 like all my parties, you should know that dude. You asking for the girl you're bringing aren't you?~

Kevin sighs and thinks 'I gotta tell him.. Nat will get it. Though I'm not sure how to explain it if he asks why I'm bringing him.'

To: Nat

Actually dude, I'm not bringing a chick. I'm bringing that guy you met earlier...

The response was almost immediate as the phone buzzed

From: Nat


Kevin laughed at his friend's message before replying.

To: Nat

Yes Nat, and let's not call him Double Delectable.. he is super shy so I don't see it going over well. Anyway I kinda fell behind earlier so I could talk to him.. we ended up exchanging numbers so when you invited me I thought it might be okay to invite him. So yes, he will be at your party.

From: Nat

DUDE!!!! My cupcake seemed to really like Double Delish, maybe this can work in my favor too!!!!! Rave might finally agree to go to one of my parties if I have Double Delicious there too!

Kevin sighed, shaking his head at his friend's antics. But couldn't help but smile, Nat always did have a way of knowing what not to push when it came to Kevin. Not that Kevin being bisexual or even gay for that matter would ever bother Nat. Nat was openly bisexual, though if you ask him he'd simply shrug and tell you that 'booty is booty, respect it.' Noticing he had another new text he opened the message then groaned... Only Nat could ever say this and get away with it.

From: Nat

Holy hell Kev!!!!! It worked! My adorable little cupcake finally agreed! Looks like you're not all bad with your taste in men ;)

Deciding to ignore the last message he opened his messages with Double D.

To: Double Dork

So it is at 6, I can pick you up at like 5 and we'll go eat first, k?

From: Double Dork

Certainly Kevin. Those times seem most acceptable. I shall see you at 5 then.

Smiling at the response Kevin glances at the clock realizing it had gotten rather late, and he knew that the dork had a very long day he decided to let him get some sleep.

To: Double Dork

Yeah see you then. It's getting late so I'm heading to bed, g'night Double D.

"Oh my" Edd gasped a little, Kevin never calls him Double D, even texting today it was still dork. Smiling happily at the new confidant he now had Edd fell asleep clutching his phone tightly.

Kevin on the other hand couldn't seem to find much sleep, images of Eddward's broken smile from earlier kept haunting him. He wasn't sure if he could fix all the damage Eddy had caused his adorkable new friend but he had decided to at least make that smile whole again. He just hoped that his heart would be ready for the emotional joyride it would be on. A roller-coaster that would twist and turn with no way for him to scream out. Suffering in silence may not be the best idea but it's the only way to go about it without outing himself to everyone that he wanted Edd so badly to be happy, and he so badly wanted to be the one to bring that happiness. He wanted to be the reason that the dork would smile his 1000 watt smile, he wanted to be the person that just the mere mention of his name could brighten the dork's whole day. Kevin wanted to be the reason that the dork would always look on the brighter side, God did he so desperately crave the smaller boys affection and attention. And of all the things Kevin would ever crave from that young man, what truly startled him was that he mostly just craved for Eddward to notice him and accept him. He wanted Eddward to love him. Not a fling, not a fake love. Oh no, Kevin wanted a tale of love that was so epic that when people heard it they would think 'I want that'. But till Eddward could accept any of what had just happened to him with Eddy, and Kevin could actually admit his feelings for the twerp, he would suffer.

The mere thought of that had Kevin in the slumps. How could he tell the person he bullied through elementary and middle school that he cared for him? How could he tell the young man that he just wanted to be around him? And how was he going to make it through comforting Eddward with his broken heart and not break his own in the process? It would all be difficult but Kevin knew one thing for certain. If he could make Edd smile again, everything would be worth it. His heart in many pieces would be worth it if he can pick up and put Edd's pieces back together. For that's what is at risk when you love the broken.

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