The Test

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I stared at my Biology quiz while biting my inner cheek softly. It's been blank for the last 20 minutes except for my name, which was written really neatly because I knew that I wouldn't be writing anything else down.
Suddenly I regret staying up last night, knowing that I should've spent it learning the functions of the heart instead of listening to mine, which told me to read Manga all night. Smiling absentmindedly I look down and remember the terror that I faced.

Mrs. Lea was seated at her table comfortably, knowing that no student would dare attempt to cheat on her watch.

Normally I would've written down gibberish or sentences that I remembered from previous lectures that would help me pass but today, I could care less.

I shifted into a more comfortable position and let my eyes do the rest of the work when I hear a faint voice repeating something, which sounded foreign.
I look down at my paper, checking if this is a Spanish quiz and not a Biology quiz.

Nope, pretty sure it isn't.

Looking for the direction of the sound I realize it's coming from the person who is sitting on my left. Now if I said that I've been attending this school for a few weeks and that I wasn't familiar with a few faces, you probably wouldn't be so surprised. But what If I said that I've been here for two years and the only face I recognize is the face of one girl. The reason why her face is edged into my memory is because she once offered me a brownie, so did our Biology teacher.

At school I try my best to avoid anyone who has classes with me. No, I'm not a loner I actually do have a lot of friends but I've switched sections since my parents figured that I wasn't cut out for business so they let me shift to the science section, which makes me barge into a room full of people who've known each other for the past two years. Needless to say I didn't need any new friends and they seemed okay with that.

There it is again

I listen carefully to the voice and look closely at the vessel that creates it. I narrow my eyes while I professionally analyze this creature with the foreign tongue. He has his hands on his face almost as if he is about to sneeze, his eyes closed, eyebrows furrowed and lips whispering the same words over and over again.

Man, this guy doesn't know jack about cheating!

He's wearing a grey sweater; light blue jeans, which are folded at the ankles and a pair of vans. His hair is almost jet black but the sunshine coming in from the windows makes his glossy hair a dark shade of grey, ugh if only I could see his face.

I didn't notice that I was slightly leaning towards my left when this strange creature looks at me, first out of frustration but then slowly his expression changes into dismay.

Slowly he placed his left hand on top of his exam paper; covering it. I didn't understand what he meant by covering his papers because I was fixated on the color of his eyes; pitch-black orbs encircled by thick eyelashes.

I snapped out of my daze when I realized he put his right on top of his left hand which as on top of his exam paper.

Then it hit me.

He thought I was cheating!

My eyes shifted quickly between him and his hands. His lips formed an O as if realizing something.

And this is how it all started.

"Mrs. Lea! This young man is peering into my paper!"

'Always snitch before you get snitched on'

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