The Locker

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"Get off me!" I shoved Noah, my face beet red.

"How am I supposed to when you're the one sitting on my lap?" said Noah, voice dripping with sarcasm.

Flustered more than ever, I got up and made my way out of the gym in haste. I needed peace and quiet now that I've had my fair share in distractions. The spring dance was just around the corner and I haven't discussed the layout with the event committee yet. Why did I let him distract me to this extent.

 Where did my priorities lose their order?

  I know, you lost them on that canoe while watching the glittering stars feeling a mixture of heated undetermined emotions.

Get your shit together Lessandra.

For the next couple of weeks, I focused on preparing the dance and getting started with upcoming events. Assignment after assignment, I attempted to keep myself busy or distracted with the presence of friends but it was to no avail. 

Just when I think that I've gotten Elyas out of my mind, magically he appears as if reading my thoughts.

 He does not look or stare. 

Maybe he knows a brief glance could set my composed self in shambles. My fingers trace the thin cut on my wrist involuntarily. Does he want to know what happened to me? 

A hidden memory that I try my best to repress forcefully. My friends do not know the real reason behind it, they know the fabricated version that I sugar coated for them. Why worry them when it is more than they can handle, more than anyone could handle.

I sat down next to my locker and plugged in my earphones while I ate my lunch. Jaida and Cara ditched school to shop for last minute accessories for the dance tonight. I didn't have a date, I usually don't as I am occupied overseeing the flow of the dance. Sometimes I'd go down and dance with the girls but I'm happiest knowing that everything is going according to plan, according to MY plan.

"What are you listening to?" I hear a low silky voice ask.

Goosebumps cover my neck

"You," I automatically blurt, feeling the blood rush to my face.

He sits next to me and then leans his head on my locker,

 "Me," He answers.

"What do you want?" I ask bluntly even though my mind is in chaos.

"Nothing." He says, looking at the lockers opposite to us.

I feel my ear piece falling out and see him plugging it in his ears without any consent.

Dark grey jeans, a plain white T and black boots. It almost looks like we planned to dress similar but I was wearing black jeggings and vans instead. I analyze his choice of clothing in order to get my heart to stop pounding but it does the opposite. We sit like that, slightly leaning towards each other but not touching. He begins humming after a couple of songs as I wait for him to bring up what happened that night. 

"Are you going to the dance?" I ask in a whisper so low, wondering if he heard at all. 



"I've never been to one," This time he turns to face me, "Are you going?" He adds.

"I'm the one who arranges them so I don't have much of a choice." I admit, never breaking eye-contact.

"Oh." He says nonchalantly,

"You don't seem surprised," I add on.

"That's because I know that you're the head of the Events Committee." He states, expressionless as always.

"Someone did their homework." I say jokingly.

"I always do my homework, it shouldn't be a surprise." He says in a monotone voice.

"No, I didn't mean that kind of home-" I try to explain but I'm interrupted by his sudden laughter.

"I know, I was just joking with you." He says, displaying his pearly whites for once.

"I never knew you were capable of jokes," I say lightly, turning off the music.

"That's because you do not know me well enough." He says, growing serious again.

"Then why don't you let me get to know you," I ask, inching closer to him.

"I don't want you to get to know me, I'm happy enough just seeing you." He says this time without filtering his words, breaking eye-contact as his eyes are glued to the floor.


"Happy? Seeing me?" I ask, my heart pounded heavily.

"I shouldn't have," He gets up and ruffles his hair.

"Elyas, what do you mean?" I get up, eager to find out why.


"I have to go." He whispers and heads towards the hallway.

I sit back down, my mind in a frenzy and my heart returning to it's usual pace. All those days of self-control and composure, tumbled down the minute he opened his mouth. I was going to need more than just a few distractions to get me back on track tonight. 

"Hey Less!" I hear Noah call from the end of the hallway.

"What's new kiddo?" He says, still in his gym clothes.

"Thinking about the dance tonight," I answer smoothly.

"Speaking of the dance, would you mind being my backup date in case Kerry bails out on me like last time?" He pleads.

Kerry is Noah's long time middle school girlfriend that goes to Scor High. She would sometimes bail out on Noah and use lame excuses to get away with it. Everybody agrees that Noah is too much of a sweetheart to understand that Kerry was acting fishy, but he just keeps turning a blind eye.

"What if I  said that I already have a date?" I said teasingly.

"What? You? No!" He exclaimed, making a scene.

"Was it Jarod again?" He asks making a sad face.

"No, he finally got it through his stubborn brain." I said, remembering how consistent he was.

"Then who?" He asks, raising a brow.

"No one," I say and poke him in the tummy.

"Phew!" He says wiping fake sweat from his forehead.

"I guess I'll see you there Less, don't leave me hanging," He says giving me a high-five.

"I won't." I say and walk towards class. An idea forms in my mind, instantly I grab my phone and let my heart do the rest for me.

Me: Elyas, come to the dance. For me.

Authors Note:

Guys, I was considering writing Elyas's POV for the next chapter, should I or should I not?


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2017 ⏰

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