The Washroom

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The cafeteria was loud as usual even though I just walked in. Normally 70% of the noise was due to my ferocious laugh and voice. I quickly made my way to our table, which was in the center of the cafeteria. My best friends were already seated with their boyfriends, waiting for the juicy details of my encounter with the dark and mysterious Elyas.

To me, they're considered family because ever since grade school it was always Linda's mom that made sure I got home safe, Jaida's father that attended all my basketball matches and Cara's family that financially supported my parents till they could get back on their own feet. Our parents were high school/University friends just like us so when my Father was diagnosed with liver cancer, they all promised to raise me together.

My mom wasn't in the picture most of the time because she lost hope in my dad ever regaining his health. She focused on her independent company and made some smart investments, which gave fruit to a twenty million dollar corporate company.

Unfortunately it's not as easy to walk back into someone's after walking out to pursue your dreams.
My father might've forgiven her but till this very day my relationship with her is beyond rocky.

I sat down quietly waiting for them to notice me and quiet down. It was taking much longer than a few minutes and my patience was running out faster than my mom did 15 years ago.

"Can you guys quiet down for a bit, I have something to tell you guys," I said raising my already loud voice.

No one seemed to notice that I was present nor did they care. Members of the Football team as well as the Basketball team were sitting at our table because Jaida and Cara were dating both captains. At first I didn't mind at all since it was never boring or awkward around them. And no, they weren't your typical arrogant jocks that you see in movies but just a couple of guys that knew how to have a great time without ruining other peoples lives. But sometimes I missed just sitting down and talking to my girls without all these disturbances. I didn't mind all the attention our table received or the stares because deep down I knew being the center of attention didn't hurt. I wasn't dating the captain of any team nor was I, the head cheerleader but something else that I was far more notoriously known for.

I was the Planner.

You probably aren't that impressed but you will be after I go into detail.

No one other than me would plan every single event, party, or tournament.

Extravagant would be an underestimate. One of the reasons why many of the students joined Caesar Academy was due to our fancy and lavish Homecoming and Graduation ceremonies. People tell me I have a natural gift and that my uncanny skills were just blooming. I wasn't a Straight A – student and I might've set a fire in the auditorium....twice only to find out that the school covered up for me. They owe me much more than covering up a few slip-ups. Let's not forget the only event that makes even seniors forget about their graduation party.

My End Of The Year Party.

"CAN EVERYONE SHUT THEIR TRAPS?" I yelled, startling everyone around the table.

"Lessandra! I didn't see you there." Said Jaida entrapping me in a bear hug.

I hear a series of 'hey liz" from the jocks.

"If this happens again, we'll have another spank session." I said digging my index finger into Jaida's boyfriend's muscular chest while glaring at the rest of them.

They all cringed at the memory.

"I have something to tell the girls, now shoo!" I said, shooing them away with the air of a mother.

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