Secrets Of The Lost

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It was time me and Lennox meet the senator, he seemed jumpy, like he was expecting some one else. The meeting went accordingly and we were on our way to the radioactive sight, I was deep in thought...some thing doesn't seem right here, like I'm missing something. I gazed out the window as trees passed by, I couldn't help but wonder what will be at the sight...I had a chain getting yanked that something is off, is wrong, and I don't exactly know why or what. I guess I'll have to do what I do best, wing it. Things happen for a reason and I'll just let it play out, I was still tense though. I need to relax but this is bugging me...waiting with nothing to do. I didn't want the radio on, I don't want to sleep, I don't want to stare at the clouds, but I do think that as we say 'hey that one is shaped like a dog!' I think in there own cloud way they would say 'hey that ones shaped like an idiot!' I chuckled at that thought, I felt Optimus question, but I guess didn't ask as he kept driving.

I felt my finger tap my knee a thousand per second, I had nothing to do and I was going insane..."Tak?" I perked up to that, "Hmm!?" my fingers stopped and I looked from the window to the steering wheel. "You seem...unoccupied. We can talk if you like?" Optimus had been silent and busy thinking how to approuch our mission, reason why I didn't talk up a storm with him or joke. "Did you find a plan of action to take?" I asked, "Sadly there are not enough knowledge to, and I wish not to assume." I understood that he didn't want that many casualty's if things go wrong, "True, but that doesn't mean back up and extra plans. If this happens we make a plan but if something else happens we make another plan. Many plans for how things go, so instead of assuming we just make extra plans." I said giving my opinion on how I usually work out mission plans with Lennox, we usually make a few before diving in to see what happens. 

Soon me and Optimus were coming up with plans in case of certain things happening, "Oh come on, what if a robot octopus cyclops comes in to take something we wanted, and tried to leave. that sir, is a possibility!" I argued with Optimus over something that felt like can happen, "I don't think pepper spraying his eye would work, Tak." I then sighed, "alright...But still If it happens I will." I said complaining in a joking matter, Optimus chuckled and I joined in. We were almost there, I could see the checkpoint and let them work and Optimus drive. We soon parked and I got out, I had putted my mask on and heard Lennox bark out a nice manner. "Be back big blue." I said to Optimus and went over entering in tow of Lennox, and taking my gun out of my holster. I saw the man we were following act weird, not putting on a mask, and freaking out a moment later and ran out.

"Lennox, flashing yellow, zig zag onward." I told him as he nodded, that was my way of saying something is wrong, stay caution, and be cautions of whats a head. I told him my secret code words for things since we were mostly dealing with decepticons here. We got to a large circular room, with a sphere and wires sticking out of it. I couldn't make out what it is exactly since it looks Cybertronian, the radars started to go off, a decepticon was here? Oh great..."Lennox, yellow to red." Caution to danger, he barked orders to get ready, as tendrils soon came from the walls and I had to drop as they were hitting every one aside. I saw one take the sphere but oh hell no! I ain't letting, I put my gun in its holster quick and grabbed a wire, it was then dragging me with it. I couldn't put an effort in to stopping it so I just held tight. My mask flew off and I heard over my radio, I heard Lennox call the auto bots, or mostly Optimus.

I then was soon over the building up a little high, I had a good hold on the wires as I saw the decpticon....'Ha! a robot cyclops with octopus arms/limbs, and Optimus called me crazy!' I took out my pepper spray when he looked at me closely, I hide it behind my back till I thought he was close enough. "Tak!" I looked to see Optimus, "Prime." this thing said, it then looked back at interest. I'm not going to be a pet, experiment, or anything this robot might want. I sprayed him right in the optics (eyes), He whined and his hands went straight for his eye, I think I heard him growl. I then felt the tendril I was on wave around with a few more over at my team mates, I guess he was trying to shake me off. It was going in circles super fast and I felt like my lunch wanted to come out, I was getting dizzy so,"Optimus! over! here!" I called for him when he grabbed his sword and shield. Optimus rolled and cut the limb and I fell clutching the sphere to me, I just laid my back on the ground, watching the robot retreat from an upside down point of view. "Ug." I huffed out, "Tak! you ok!" Lennox made his way over to me. "It hurts." I complained, I put the sphere down next to me and I rolled over to my knees clutching my side, and to look at the ground, "What are you hurt!" He asked worried, I put my head on the ground and closed my eyes. "The world needs to stop spinning, my tums in knots." I complained in a whining voice, "Tak?" I then heard Optimus walk over, the ground shook with every step, some how those small quakes made the dizziness leave for a bit, until I felt him kneel down.

"Are you ok?" Optimus was worried, "I'm just...*breaths slowly in and out*...really dizzy right now, I need a moment. I'll be fine." I told him so he wouldn't worry that much, So I swapped topics, "so what is that anyway?" I asked pointing at the sphere, I heard Optimus say it was a engine part of a long lost auto bot ship. Well, I was still pretty dizzy, not extreme like before but more toned down. Optimus had to pick me up before I fell over, I had the sphere in the seat next to me in Optimus. I had the seat all the way back and mostly waited for me to stop feeling like every thing was spinning in circles. It was almost dark out and we weren't even half way home, "Tak, You should get some rest." Optimus still was worried, "I'm fine, just need everything to stop spinning, and I was right about that plan by the way.......but your right, I do need sleep." I said, and soon sighed and turned on my side, and let my hand softly clutch the seat belt. "Night Big Blue." I felt the seat belt hug me tighter it was almost like a hug, and I then let sleep take me.

Ready Or Not (Optimus Prime x Male OC)Transformers Movie verseWhere stories live. Discover now