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It has been about a month and a week since the last battle. Everything cleaned up and cleared up. I guess everyone is OK with my relationship with Optimus prime but we are keeping it between us and a few friends, or just who was there when we shared our feelings. I guess the Autobots respect me for helping with the battles that happens and stuff, I was just glad to help. It's funny that their teasing about us, I just chuckle while I watch Optimus's face heats up. Somehow you can see the silver metal turn somewhat pink, it funny how he blushes. Probably since he is supposed to be the responsible one and I am. Breaking walls down to remodel.

It's been a good day or at least so far. Have been doing a lot of paperwork and such. Busy so since I have it done I can go see the Autobots and Lennox's team in the hanger. I have now arrived at Autobot station, finally taking a break from things.

Sam had gotten a job in nest doing some paperwork and helping out. He gets good pay, luckily I talked the director into it so he can also see bee have the time. I was walking over to the ramp and up to the second floor, then over to were Optimus was. It was late, like sun going down over the horizon late. Troops were packing in for tonight already, and so the place was near empty. Near being just the Autobots, they are talking, ratchet is looking at data pads, while Optimus is hanging out looking at a single data pad. I was now looking over his shoulder after carefully climbing up his back. My Father taught me Cybertronian glyphs and symbols, so I read it easy.

It was just a recap on the missing we we're going to be assigned to in a few days. Same old same old, then my attention went to Optimus when he started humming in a quietly manner, I just watched his face from my spot on his shoulder, half on half off. My feet were on what I would assume a shoulder blade, and my arms crossed on his shoulder. He looks to be in thought, because his face is calm and I can see those gears turning in his head. I don't know how long I was just staring at him, but that didn't mean I wasn't aware of my surroundings. Some or at least Bee and Jazz caught sight of me, I looked at them and could see their smirks. I rolled my eyes and shook my head at them, I saw iron hide then mouth, 'does he know?'

I shook my head as they grinned, I had put a finger to my lip so they wouldn't say anything as I was testing out how long Optimus wouldn't know I was on him. I even had to mouth them that, I could practically hear their chuckles from here. It went on like that for a bit, Optimus scrolling through the data pad with the information on our future mission, while I just watch him while also reading once in a while. I even felt a bit tired, I even had to close my eyes and put my head on my arms.

"Hey Optimus you taking Tak to bed? Or berth?" Jazz spoke up, while bee had to cough on his fist so he wouldn't laugh. Optimus who looked up from his data pad had not only a blush on his face but a stern look. Optimus wasn't in the mood for the teasing, he was sad that work had made Tak unable to visit, it been awhile since he saw his lover. He actually was missing him, even though Tak would tease back either at them or Optimus himself, and laugh any of the comments off. "I'm not in the mood for teasing right now Jazz." Was all in the stern voice that should have left then walking off but no, "wanting that mission sooner than later? Since you get to see your spark mate?" Iron hide had now spoke up, it was true.

Optimus did want to see Tak again, not only because he missed him, but the Autobots could tell their leader was getting that old stubbornness back without Tak to break down his barriers and relieve his stress. Tak just being with in sight of Optimus chills him down. Optimus will admit to a few that he has read the mission recap so many times, and was wanting it to come sooner if that meant he could see his lover again. For awhile now he was thinking about him, just daydreaming while the data pad scrolled down again.

Tak's sky blue eyes, or at least the one he shows while the other is hidden by his nightly pitch black hair. Even when he just nuzzles into his seat on the drives at night, Optimus can feel his soft hair and even his soft skin or of what isn't bandaged. Optimus will admit Tak has pale skin that seems to deny the sunlight from touching him, and yet Optimus's mind wonders back to him as he just stares at the data pad once again not bothering to read it.

Optimus put the data pad down on the space next to him, "admit it, you miss him." Bee had spoken up now through his radio. Optimus had to sigh and nod, that he does miss his lover. The three Autobots had looked at each other then finally had to tell their leader. "We're headed to recharge, you should to its getting late." Bee said first, "hope you have a fun night boss." Iron hide said walking away with bee, "ya, that comment still stands though, you should really decide." Jazz winked as he followed bee and iron hide, the three soon stopped to look at their leader who was blushing a bit deeper yet had his stern face, glaring back at the three. "You should check your shoulder by the way." Was that the three said walking to their own quarters. Optimus was confused he looked at his left shoulder, nothing. "Other one prime." Ratchet said smirking as he went off to his quarters as well.

Optimus soon looked at his other shoulder and froze, his spark caught in his throat and did flips. Tak, was there, and he didn't even know. Optimus was about to say something till he was reminded by Tak's light breathing he was asleep. Now he truly understood what Jazz said and meant, but like Jazz said before he left Optimus had decided. He scooped up his lover carefully and went to his own quarters, and had Tak sleep over his spark chamber, for tonight. Optimus had to wonder how long he didn't know Tak was there, as well as force himself into recharge otherwise he would be up all night staring at Tak while he peacefully slept.

Optimus knew things will get better, it just takes time.

Ready Or Not (Optimus Prime x Male OC)Transformers Movie verseWhere stories live. Discover now