Happy Halloween!

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The last days of summer had finally faded away as Autumn set in...the leaves turned orange, people started the fireplaces up again after cleaning up all the dust and old wood, apple cider became the new Jamba juice, and everyone's favorite holiday was just around the corner.

All Hollows eve...or Halloween.

"This is Halloween...this is Halloween..." Tak sang loudly, his voice echoing around the base as he placed two pots of black roses (fake, of course) on either side of his door outside of his on-base apartment. Halloween was his favorite holiday...it always was, ever since he was a kid. He loved dressing up in costume, he loved the parties, the candy...everything.

As he was about to start hanging some fake cobwebs around his door frame, his lover and sparkmate...Optimus Prime...walked into the recreational room, his optic ridge up in curiosity. Tak looked up, a few push pins clenched in between his teeth as he struggled to put up a shiny, silver skeleton. "Hey Red...little help?"

He nodded and lifted Tak up carefully. He watched in interest as he tacked the skeleton onto the wall. "Perfect-o!" He cheered. He turned to his Sparkmate with one of the biggest grins Optimus had ever seen plastered on his face. "What do you think? Is it too much?"

"Uhh..." He stuttered, shrugging his shoulder panels. "It looks very nice..." Than he had to ask. "What is it exactly?" Tak seeing Optimus's confusion, "Sam hasn't told you guys about Halloween...?!" He sounded completely shocked. Bee then walked in with a giant witch's hat on top of his head.

Optimus jerked slightly in shock.

'How does this look?' Bee asked Tak, not noticing Optimus's face. Tak started laughing. "Now that is a good look for you!" He then jumped out of Optimus's hand and climbed down his leg like a gymnast, and stood in front of Bee. "But why a witches hat?" Bee blanched and took the hat off and looked at it closely. 'It's not a wizards hat?'

Tak let out another laugh as he shook his head. "I'm just messing with ya, dude...so, what are you going for? Dumbledore?" Bee scoffed and waved his hand in a classic No-way-José type way. 'No...Gandalf!'

"Oh sorry..." Tak drawled, smiling all the way. "What is going on?" Optimus broke in, now sounding very annoyed and confused. "What is that pointy object on your head? Why is Tak hanging all of these odd decorations around the hanger?"

"Like I said, Red...Halloween!" He made a huge sweep of his hands to emphasize how awesomely huge it was. "The time of year when the souls of the dead arise to torment the souls of the living...not to mention all of the free candy and the awesome costumes."

"I am all up for this Halloween thing!" Jazz came skidding in, a bunch of rubber bats attached to him in various spots. "Although these bats keep getting stuck in my gears..."

"That's because you transformed with them on!" Tak exclaimed. "You take them off first....than transform!" Tak explained, "But than it's such a pain in the aft to put them all back on again." Jazz whined. Tak rolled his eyes than checked his watch. "Oh, gotta go! Supposed to help Sam and Mikaela with their costumes!" He ran inside his apartment to grab his and get on his way.

"Come on, Bee!" Bee nodded excitedly, gingerly placing his 'Wizards hat' on the back of the giant couch and transforming into his vehicle mode. "Peace!" He called to her friend and his boyfriend as Bee drove away, once again leaving fresh tires tracks and white smoke.

"I still don't understand what's going on!" Optimus yelled after them.


"Yo, yo, yo!" Tak walked into the house, his messenger bag slung over his shoulders. Bee was in the garage for the time being. Tak and Sam were now known in the neighborhood as Car guru's...the reason for that is that they were constantly washing their vehicles and they were always gleaming, no matter the weather.

Ready Or Not (Optimus Prime x Male OC)Transformers Movie verseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon