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Disclaimer: You know the drill..

For some reason today the sun shined brighter and harder. The sound of bird's chirping early in the morning wasn't annoying and the fact that school will return in a few days didn't sound so horrible. Everything just seemed better.

Today was the day that Bonnie (and the girls) come back from vacation. These past three days had their moments but they weren't all that horrible.

Damon and Stefan actually bonded and for some reason Stefan thought that their progress will go down the drain once Bonnie returned but hoped that he would be proved wrong.

Damon has been known to swoon and steal his girlfriends. He feared that history will be repeating itself with Bonnie but then remembered that she loves him too much so she wouldn't fall for Damon's charms- would she? No, no she wouldn't- right?

Anyway no more sad thinking Bonnie will be here in a few hours so the lovesick puppy practically waited by the door until he heard that turn of the door knob. He couldn't wait to wrap his arms around her and kiss the life out of her. He missed her too much and would probably never let her leave town without him again no matter how short the trip will be.

"Honey I'm home!"

Stefan just loved that she called the boardinghouse her home.

Just when he was about to greet his beauty Damon beat him to the punch. Uh-oh here we go.

"Honey you're back!"

"Who the hell are you?" Bonnie said with a raised brow while eyeing the man up and down

"Oh Stefan got a feisty one. I'm Damon"

"Oh Stefan's brother. I'm Bonnie nice to meet you. These are my friends Caroline and Elena."



For some reason that Elena chick reminded Damon of someone that he used to have a thing with back in 1864. He'll ask Stefan about that later.


Bonnie ran to her man who picked her up and twirled her around and kissed her senselessly. When his lips touched hers once again everyone in the room faded away. It was just Bonnie and Stefan. You would think that they were married.

It was a little too much to watch I mean once their hands began to wonder each other's bodies Caroline and Elena decided that that was their cue to leave.

"See you Bon, thanks again Stefan."

Not that they heard but once the door closed Stefan hoisted Bonnie up and sped off to their room.

"Well so much for Damon Bonnie talk" the elder Salvatore said walking out the door. He didn't feel like listening to flesh smacking against flesh for the next three hours.

Once they had their wake up call it was time to start the day. Stefan had a whole day planned for just Bonnie and him. Bonnie reminded Stefan that he said that they were going to have a day of rest but Stefan threatened her with him doing her hair again so she backed off.

"So what so you have planned for us today Salvatore?"

"Well were going to go shopping and take a ride on my Harley and have a little dinner before our flight tonight."

"You ride a motorcycle?"

"More to learn and love" the vampire said with a smile

"Great when do we get started?"

"In a few minutes I don't want to let go of you just yet." Stefan said tightening his arms around her

Bonnie laid her head back on Stefan's chest kissing it and they stayed there in a comfortable silence.

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