All The Right Moves

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A/N: Thank you all so much for the support you guys are amazing it truly means a lot!

Something was liberating about gravitating someone five feet into the air. You feel like you have complete control over that person and you're powerful and strong even if you really aren't normally. The feeling of being able to control someone's movements and thoughts gave Bonnie a rush. This rush often scared her at times but she would just push those thoughts in the back of her mind.

"Let's paint the picture

Of the perfect place

They've got it better than when anyone's told ya"

Whenever Bonnie practiced she found herself enjoying being a witch more and more. It helped take her mind off everything that was going on and with Stefan helping her it was just fun and enjoyable. She wished that she knew that she was a witch sooner she would have found life more easier.

Ever since Bonnie found out that she was a witch her life changed for the good and the bad. Sometimes when she would touch someone it was as if she could see their whole life story in flashes or visions. One time when she touched Stefan and all she saw was death it frightened her but with the help of grams Bonnie learned how to control it. There were also perks of being a witch; it made her feel more confident and courageous. Usually when something would happen and everyone was in a big debate she would just keep quiet and stay in the background but not now, Bonnie would actually stand up for herself and what she believed in. Soon all of Damon snarky comments didn't affect her she just shot them right back. They were acting like brother and sister already. Everything would have been perfect if Klaus wasn't coming for Elena in a few weeks.

"They'll be the King of Hearts, and you're the Queen of Spades

Then we'll fight for you like we were your soldiers"

Elena and Caroline were still adjusting to everything like Stefan being and vampire and Bonnie a witch. Even though months have passed since they found out the news it still took them a while to come to the conclusion that Bonnie was a witch and Stefan was a vampire and to accept it. After Bonnie told them about Stefan she could sense that they were afraid of him which was understandable. She knew that if either Caroline or Elena came up to her with a huge bomb like not knowing what she knows that she'd be afraid to. Bonnie tried everything she could to make them see that he was the same lovable, generous Stefan that he's always been. She took them all out to dinners, parties, shopping and even quadruple dates. Stefan told her that she couldn't buy their acceptance they just needed time to comprehend everything he was right (of course). She gained some progress over time though. She could tell that Stefan and Caroline were getting closer but Elena kept quiet she would indulge in a few conversations with the group but she always seemed somehow distant between the three. Maybe once this is all over she'll warm up I mean who has time for making new friends when you know someone is coming after you for a sacrifice ritual.

"I know we got it good, but they got it made,

And their grass is getting greener each day,

I know things are looking up, but soon they'll take us down,

Before anybody's knowing our name"

They had a month left until Klaus would come and take Elena. Bonnie remembered that there was a full moon the night it happened in her dream, so she assumed it'll happen the night when the full moon comes. Stefan and Damon did some digging around and found out where the ceremony would take place they contacted other vampires and witches and after months of researching they found the place. Bonnie wasn't shocked when she found out that it would be somewhere deep in the woods just outside Mystic Falls like she dreamed it'd be. She hoped that nothing else that she dreamed would come true.

Latch (Stefonnie)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang