Give Me Love

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One thing that comes with the consequence of Stefan having his humanity compelled off by Klaus is that he's now sired to him. Whatever the man barks Stefan comes running. This started to bother Bonnie, Stefan was doing well keeping control and she was scared that Klaus would have him do something that could change that.

Bonnie went to her grams' house to ask if there was any solution. At first she was all in to kill the bastard but found out that when you kill an original everyone that they turned dies as well. Neither Bonnie, Stefan nor Damon knew what original held their life in his or her hands so that plan was out. Sheila did tell her of a way but Bonnie knew that it would be a long shot. The only other way to make Stefan free is if Klaus lets him go willingly. All they had to do was think of a plan that could bribe Klaus into letting Stefan free from his compulsion.

Instead of trying to think of something, they went straight to the source. Bonnie and Stefan drove to Klaus' house with a plan in mind.

"Stefan fina- Bonnie, what a pleasant surprise. Stefan you didn't tell me she returned."

"You didn't ask." He chewed his gum.

Klaus had to admit he was a little taken aback by the witch who decided to show her face. Last he heard she was dead and well- that's it.

He was even more confused about why she was here. He studied her and knew that something was off. Her usually radiant eyes had this darkness in them. Klaus smiled when he realized that the Bennett had some dark magic inside her. If he could convince Bonnie to join he's team there was no telling what they could do.

"What's so funny?" Bonnie folded her arms

"Nothing love, to what do I owe this pleasure?"

"I want you to let Stefan free." She went straight to the point.

Klaus let out a chuckle. They really thought that he would take orders from them? He took a deep breath and let out a sigh.


When he turned around to walk off he heard something that caught his attention.

"We're willing to negotiate." Bonnie shouted.

Klaus spun around on his heels and walk towards the couple. He looked back and forth between them and his eyes landed on Bonnie.

"You." He pointed.

"What?" Bonnie looked up at Stefan.

"I want you to join my team in trade for his freedom." 

Bonnie rolled her eyes, "No, you got to be kidding me!"

"Then no deal."

Klaus made his second attempt to walk away but then again he heard something that could change his mind.

"What about blood? Some of Elena's blood. You could create your hybrids or whatever." Bonnie bargained again.

Stefan looked down at Bonnie with shocked eyes. She stared back at him with intensity in her eyes. Bonnie had a plan all she needed was to dot the “I”s and cross the “T”s. Klaus made his way over to her invading her space. Bonnie straightened her spine to reach full height. Klaus stared into her orbs then switched his view to the side to Stefan who was busy staring at Bonnie. He returned his view back at the witch and smirked.

"If you give me the doppelgänger's blood I'll consider letting him go."

He made his last attempt to exit but whatever Bonnie shouted back at him it went through one ear and out the other. He disappeared behind a wall and with a grunt Bonnie made her way out. On the drive back Stefan switched his view consistently from Bonnie then the road. She picked up on what he was doing so she filled him in.

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