We Are

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Don't forget to wish Kat a happy birthday! (@KatGraham)

A few months had passed since the couple got engaged and neither of them had enough energy to start planning. They thought about eloping just to take the pressure off but they knew that it wouldn't turn out well.

Caroline and Elena demanded that they start the preparations immediately and Bonnie realized that they haven't even picked out a date yet so there would be no panning until then.

Picking out a date should be somewhat easy but it was difficult for the couple. They didn't want to be engaged too long or too short so they thought that the month of May. They ruled out birthdays because they wanted their day to be special just because of them. Now that the month was picked they started shouting out random numbers to see what sounded best.

"How about May tenth?"

"No, eighth?"

"Nah, what about the twenty-second?"

"May twenty-second, I like it!"

Now that part one of the wedding saga was completed it was time to do all the fun things like pick out a venue, find a reception area and most importantly, get Bonnie's dress.

Bonnie loved the idea about getting married in a barn. She got the idea from The Office and ever since that's been her dream. She could just imagine the lights hanging from the ceiling and the whole feel of being one with nature and it brought peace to her. After showing Stefan a few pictures on Google he warmed up to the idea.

With some research and help from Elena and Caroline they picked out a wedding planner. Bonnie wanted to plan the whole thing by herself but Stefan went against it, the last thing he wanted was to deal with a "bridezilla".

The third part was to pick out things for the registry. This was Bonnie favorite part so far. They headed to the store and started to scan the things that they liked.

"Stefan I was thinking since we're getting married…are we going to move?" Bonnie scanned silverware.

"I don't know do you want to?"

They walked down the next aisle picking out bathroom supplies.

"I mean for some reason if we do I would feel bad you know? But on the other hand we will be getting married and we will need our space." She turned to face him.

"Yeah I know what you mean. After we're done with this I have to show you something."

They finished scanning the items that they both wanted and needed and let the store.

The whole ride over to wherever Stefan wanted to show her was silent. They both were lost in their own thoughts and it wasn't until Stefan pulled over on the side of the road they looked at each other.

"Come on."

Stefan got out of the car and opened Bonnie's door. She stared at him strangely and he grabbed her hand to interlock their finders.

"You trust me right?"

"Of course I do."

"Come on."

They stared walking and the only sound that could be heard was the leaves crushing underneath their feet. Stefan took a deep breath and stared at Bonnie as they continued walking.

"When I was without my humanity and I would go out it wasn't just to rip people's heads off."

Bonnie looked at him as he kept talking.

"I have my own home that I go to sometimes when I want to get away. Away from Damon and all the drama, it's somewhat like a fresh start for a few hours."

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