Wide Awake

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2 months ago

In the past few months everything seemed like one big movie. A lot of things where going on and nobody was sure how they were handling it all. School was still in but they rarely attended because there were bigger issues at hand that are more important than reading, writing and arithmetic.

Everyone was worried about Elena she seemed to be the one who was the most stable out of any one of them and she was the one that was going to die. She didn't talk much about it no matter how hard anyone tried the girl was too stubborn.

Bonnie has spent most of her days practicing magic with Stefan. She needed to get stronger even with the powers of one hundred dead witches inside of her. Everyday she'd tackle a few spells and before she knew it she knew how to fling a vampire a hundred yards with just a raise of a hand, pick out any book that she wanted from the shelf without lifting a finger and her favorite- gravitating.

While Stefan and Bonnie were out practicing a new spell that she had learned, Damon thought it was the perfect time to look more into Elena and how was it that she's the doppelgänger to his first and only love- Katherine.

Not exactly sure where to start Damon headed to the library to see if he could find anything on her family lineage. When he started he didn't know where to begin he doesn't know anything about her except the stuff Bonnie told him which didn't help at all.

He would look into the Petrova line but this is Mystic Falls and other vampires lurk here and he didn't want to draw unwanted attention.

He decided to take matters into his own hands and find Elena to see if she'll tell him the things that he needs to know. So he headed to The Grill because besides there she was always home.

Entering The Grill Damon headed straight for the bar and ordered is drink of choice- Bourbon. Once the first gulp was consumed he scooped out the place, luckily Elena was sitting in a booth alone doing what he assumed was homework. After finishing his drink he made his way over to the brunette.

Damon slid in the booth, "Elena was it?" he asked although he already knew the answer

"Yeah oh you're Stefan's brother umm"

"Damon" he said slightly annoyed

"That's right, Damon. Something wrong?"

Maybe Damon should've thought this through. He didn't want to bombard her with questions she might get suspicious and tell Bonnie who would tell Stefan who he didn't want in his business.

"How are you?" He started

"Well considering everything that's going on I'm doing fine."

He stared at her. Elena wasn't a good liar she came off as a strong person but she was fragile. He hated to admit it but she reminded him of himself in some ways.

He would always keep a straight face no matter how bad the news was or no matter how bad he messed up. He was used to getting hurt and betrayed, his father made sure that he had the worst childhood ever. Like always Stefan was the favorite and Giuseppe didn't try to hide it.

Stefan in Damon's eyes was a suck up- weak. Anything that the man would bark his little brother would do it with little to no questions asked. He on the other hand would not take orders. He refused to get pushed around especially by a man who used to beat him when he was younger and to a man that he didn't respect.

Maybe that is why he's the way that he now. Growing up no one loved him besides his mother before she died and Stefan but it seemed like Stefan would always be the one to get him in trouble. Although he had to admit that he did have great times with his brother.

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