Chapter 8 - Lucilia

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Our town's only vet clinic stands behind us, proudly displaying its old, weathered oak sign: McCrowder's Animal Clinic. Family-Owned and Operated Since 1994. The ruby paint is flaking off in areas, giving it a rustic, trustworthy appearance, which matched the trustworthiness displayed by the staff.

After Ethan was assaulted by Ares, we decided to go to town to take Thanatos to the vet. Everything went well. He loved being doted upon by the McCrowders' youngest daughter. The little fur ball had everyone spoiling him with treats, too.

Ethan speaks up beside me. "Are all the stores in this town family-owned?" He observes the stores on this street, each with their own "family-operated" sign.

"Yep," I answer. "We're not a big enough town for anything else. The closest McDonald's is about thirty miles from here over in Allsbury."

Holding an ice pack that he got from the vet to his face, Ethan frowns. "Then what do you guys do around here?" I shrug.

"Nothing really. Our quaint little Millstone is always pretty slow and quiet."

"Where do you guys eat then? Because I am starving." Ethan extends his stomach and pats it lovingly.

I laugh at his ballooned stomach, and he allows it to deflate. "Most of the time, everyone goes to the diner on Main Street, but Ace and I like the café on Second. They're both good, but it's normally less busy at the café."

"Sounds good. Let's go." Ethan marches ahead, then pauses. "Where's Second Street?" I point in the direction he was heading. Ethan continues forward, leading our tiny band.

Ace and I follow obediently, neither of us attempting a conversation. We stroll past more shops, all their signs displaying their open status. A cool breeze wraps around us, and I inhale the beginning of fall into my lungs. Some store owners we pass recognize us with a slight nod or smile; others take one look at Ace, frown disapprovingly, and slam their store doors closed. Oh, Ace. You have so many fans.

The next time a glare is given and door slammed at the sight of Ace, I decide to tease him. "It appears your reputation precedes you, Mr. Bad Boy." With a cocky half-smile, Ace looks down at me. His green eyes are lit with amusement.

Responding, he writes, "What can I say? People love me."

"Humble, aren't you?"

The half-smile turns into a full one, and Ace shows me his next note. "Of course. Humility is my best quality." Laughing lightly, I shake my head, but choose not to disagree.

Up ahead, Ethan spins around to face us and walks backwards. "You two coming? My stomach is eating itself."

I nod and shout, "Right behind you!" Ethan spins once again, permitting us to not stare at his battered face. The swelling has gone down significantly, but the bruising is still a disturbing sight.

Grabbing my hand, Ace jogs to the café as it comes into view. He absentmindedly twirls my ring around. It is such a soothing feeling that I cannot help but relax. I've only had one boyfriend before, and his hands were always sweaty and moist, a stark contrast to Ace's firm and cool ones.

Like the gentleman he is but refuses to show to others, Ace opens the café door for me. The bell dings, announcing our arrival. I see Ethan already at the counter, practically drooling as he admires the pastries. His intense expression is humorous, to say the least.

"Whatcha getting, Two-Face?" Ethan obviously does not find my joke funny, if the one-eyed glare he gives me is any indication.

Not deigning to reply, Ethan returns to salivating over the muffin. I turn to Ace, but he is already looking at me. There is an intense look on his face, too, similar to the one Ethan is expressing. It causes me to blush, but the neutral lighting of the store helps to mask it. I hope.

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