Epilogue - Lucilia

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Four Years Later

My mother and father sway together, swinging across the makeshift platform, while the Kersivats hold each other close, their bodies moving with the soft music. Ethan and Alicia rock back and forth, as well, and the sun  reflects off of their eyes as they gaze at one another.

The sound of the waterfall creates a steady backup to the playing music, and Ace and I sit under the awning, watching all of guests of the wedding reception mingle. The smell of the clearing where we had our first date smells like fresh rain and thriving life, and the gentle breeze sends the leaves swaying like they are dancing to the melody.

I lean my head on Ace's shoulder, thinking about all that had happened on and since that terrible day. The paramedics had tried to save Nikoli, but the gunshot had been horrific, too deadly to recover from. While we were being treated by the doctors, Ace explained how we were rescued. Since Nikoli had been monitoring their actions, Ace and Ethan developed a plan where Ace would go to to the warehouse, distract Nikoli, and if given the chance, escape from whatever bonds held him. Meanwhile, Ethan's job was to leave his phone at his house, in case it was being tracked, and then he was to contact the Kersivats, who they assumed were not under surveillance by Nikoli. The Kersivats were charged with alerting the police, which would not look suspicious to Nikoli, since they were becoming Ace and Queenie's guardians. And that was how it all went down that day.

Ace wraps an arm around my shoulder, and I smile at the sweet and gentle man he has become.

After Mark and Anna received guardianship of Ace and Queenie, life became better for them. The Kersivats were happy, Queenie had new parents that loved and doted on her, and Ace wasn't being abused. He even started to smile more, and Ethan and him became very close. However, Ace is still adamant not to call themselves friends. Ace loved his new family so much that he even changed his last name to Kersivat. At the same time, Ace's mother started going to therapy, and she has been taking medication to help relieve some of her suffering. She has been trying to fix her relationship with her kids, but it is a slow process. Queenie forgave her very quickly, but the scars Ace endured from her negligence still hurt him too much.

Ethan and Alicia got together soon after that day. Apparently he managed to enamor her with his cunning and bravery, or so he says. She claims he annoyed her so much that she conceded to one date. They've been together ever since.

Meanwhile, I started seeing Ethan's mother as my new therapist, and I've made a lot of progress in my recovery. I no longer feel the same crippling self-hatred and disgust anymore, and Ace uses every opportunity to make me feel like I matter. It took me a year, but I eventually forgave my parents and we've returned to how our relationship was before the rape.

Once we graduated high school, Ethan, Ace, and I all chose to go to the college about forty-five minutes away. Ethan is studying to be a psychologist, I'm hoping to be an author, and Ace...well, Ace wants to be a professional boxer, but for now, he is studying accounting because of his math skills. Alicia, on the other hand, is content working at the daycare. We all still live in Millstone, because despite the pain that we endured here, we can't seem to tear ourselves away from it since things have gotten better.

Ace proposed six months ago, and I accepted on the spot. He had asked me to meet him at the crossroads, so I went there, thinking we were just going to go into town together. Instead Ace immediately bent down on one knee and asked the question, gulping all the while, a habit he still does when he is nervous. It was probably the shortest proposal speech known to man: "I love you. Marry me?" But I would not have had it any other way.

My parents wanted to throw a massive wedding at a beautiful church over in Allsbury, but I knew that that would not have been a wedding that matched our personalities, so I proposed that we have our wedding where our first date was. My parents and the Kersivats were skeptical about it being a good idea, but we convinced them. We spoke to the owner of the land, an elderly man who said that we could do it, so long as Ace helps out around his farm. The man later confided to me that he had been looking for someone to sell the land to, so he is planning to offer it to us when we graduate. Ace doesn't know yet, but considering the past that lays in these woods, I'm positive he'll accept.

The wedding was a beautiful event, a simple ceremony that touched all of the guests we invited. And now everyone is socializing or dancing, except Thanatos who runs around, searching for fallen food. The full grown German Shepherd has been a loyal friend to our group over the years, but Ares still treats him like he is a puppy. While everyone else converse, Ace and I wanted a little time together, so we climbed under the awning and let the waterfall shield us from the world.

I turn to Ace and press a quick kiss to his jaw. "I love you," I mutter softly.

His green eyes twinkle in the fairy lights. "I love you. More than you could possibly fathom."

I lift my left arm, and a slight sting greets me from the gunshot wound that still bothers me. It always reminds me of what we endured, but it also shows me that we grew from our pain. I stroke Ace's cheek, rubbing the pads of my fingertips over the two scar lines from Nikoli's blade. They are slightly rough, and Ace is self-conscious about them sometimes, but to me they are the physical example of the brave man he is and has always been. He tilts his head into my palm, tugging me closer to his side. His warmth and smoky scent envelopes me, and I sigh happily. He massages my left arm, loosening the muscles in a way that eases the pain.

Our peace is disturbed though by approaching footsteps, and Alicia and Ethan soon appear at the awning opening. He has his arm around her, and they both look blissful. Ace and I suspect he is going to propose soon.

"Are you two newlyweds hiding?" Ethan teases, and Alicia elbows him.

"But seriously, you two will have alone time later," Alicia remarks.

Ace rolls his eyes and leans close to me, whispering, "They're perfect for each other. And remember, if he proposes within the next two weeks, I win the bet."

I laugh. "I remember, but you're not going to win." I climb over Ace, exiting the awning and joining the couple. "Now, come on. Our friends want to be with us."

"Yeah," Ethan states, "your friends." Alicia and I share a look. Recently Ethan had been trying to goad Ace into admitting their friendship.

As he climbs out, Ace claims, "I told you a thousand times before. We are not friends."

And for the first time, Ethan actually looks hurt and dejected from the serious words, and I almost hit my husband. Just as I'm about to, Ace speaks before I can.

"We're brothers," he says with the most serious tone I have ever heard. He then clasps arms with a smiling Ethan. "I would never insult you by taking that status from you."

"Brothers," Ethan agrees with a nod.

Alicia grabs his arm. "C'mon, let's let the happy couple have a little bit more time together before they cut the cake."

As they walk away to the cabana that was set up, I hug Ace, staring into his handsome face and thinking that life is perfect at that moment. He caresses my cheeks and holds me to his strong chest. We don't move. We don't kiss. We just stare into each other's eye, love wrapping us in its embrace.

"I love you, gorgeous." His deep timbre rings with truth.

I kiss his scars, trailing my lips to his, and we meet in the softest greeting. "I love you, too."

Ace's hands grip my waist, and he looks around at the party that is in full swing. Then those misty green eyes focus on mine. "Will you go on a walk with me, my beautiful wife?" He then sends me a playful wink.

"There's nothing else I'd rather do."


So that was the last part to the book, and it has been a long adventure writing this, but I enjoyed it! Feel free to comment, vote, or share!

I have other books planned, but they will not be about Ace or Lucilia. In fact, they will probably not even be romance books, since that's not my favorite genre. So if you want to continue reading my stuff, follow me and I'll try to keep you guys posted about what's coming up.

Finally, I want to say thanks to those few, loyal readers who stuck with this book, despite the inconsistent updates. You guys are the reason I even finished it, so thank you!

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