Chapter 22 - Ace

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"You could've just asked, you know?" Ethan grumbles as he angrily shoves a plastic spoon into his pudding.

"Okay. Can I borrow your truck after school?"

Ethan's looks extremely suspicious, and I inwardly smile at the expression on his still bruised face. "If I say no, will you just steal it?"

New Kid is starting to understand how I work. "Say yes, and you won't have to find out."

Ethan's shoulders drop, and he throws away the pudding cup. "Under one condition."

I nod and follow him out of the kitchen, into the cafeteria, and out into the hallway. He heads toward the restrooms, and I match my stride to his. I wait for him to speak, and he finally does as he leans against the lockers.

"You have to let me drive home first." He pauses, looking thoughtful. "Actually, two conditions. If this is going to be a regular thing, you have to help pay for gas."

I give him a flat look. "This town is only about a two miles long. I really don't think your gas tank is going to take that much of a hit if I use it occasionally."

Ethan glares as we wait for Lucilia. "Those are my terms. Accept or lose the ride."

I snort and lift my hand. His jaw drops at what dangles from my index finger. Shaking my hand, I make Ethan's truck key jingle softly.

"How?" He whispers in a threatening tone.

"Rule one of hanging around me: Never turn your back."

"What'd you steal , Ace?" Lucilia leaves the bathroom, patting her hands on her jeans to dry them. Those environment-friendly air dryers really don't help anyone.

Placing the truck keys in my pocket, I smile innocently. "Nothing."

"Mmhmm." She eyes my pocket where my hand rests, silencing the keys, so I step towards her.

"You're welcome to check my pockets, though," I whisper, and it comes out husky. Luce blushes, and I laugh, but quiet down quickly. However, I can't manage to erase the smile completely. 

"C'mon, we have class soon." Like I hoped, she drops the subject. I offer my arm, and she loops hers with it. I grin down at her, and she returns it with a gorgeous smile that leaves me searching for air.

A camera shutter interrupts us, and Ethan lowers his phone. "For when you two get married."

I turn back to Lucilia, surprised to see her blush has returned with a vengeance. Was that from our moment or the thought of marrying me? Part of me wants to know, but the other is just excited to see that beautiful red tint overtake her cheekbones.

We make our way to History class, avoiding the steadily growing crowd of students. Once there, Lucilia slips her arm from mine, but I grab it quickly, tugging her back and planting a soft kiss right where there are the remnants of her blush. The kiss causes it to reemerge, and Luce glares at me, especially when she sees the students watching, mouths agape. I chuckle and slip passed her to my seat, Ethan joining me soon after.

The day goes by in a blur, full of teasing Lucilia and annoying Ethan will all the affection. In our last class, I can barely sit still, too excited about taking Lucilia on another date. She sits next to me, and Ethan is beside her. My knee bounces up and down, and all I want is to take Lucilia out of this room and somewhere far away. A hand stops my knee, and Lucilia whispers, "What are you so excited about?"

I speak softly, "Our date after school."

Lucilia's eyebrows raise, and her eyes register surprise. "I didn't realize we had another one."

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