Chapter 26 - Lucilia

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I don't know how long I kneel there, the gravel scraping and digging into my skin. All I know and all I feel is the crippling pain that scrapes my chest from Ace leaving. All I can think about is how the person I trusted with my harshest pain broke the promise he so vehemently gave.

Are promises supposed to be broken that easily?

I have my arms wrapped around me, as if trying to hold the shattered pieces of my being together. My chest heaves, and every breath rattles my chest, sending spasms of pain through me. I did not know that a person leaving could hurt this much. It's even worse than the time my family and friends left.

Maybe because I don't love them the way I do Ace.

Ace holds my heart in his hands. He makes my chest flutter with love, but he can also take those feelings and crush them with his words, like he did today. He broke me, and I don't think he realizes the extent to which he did it.

Tires on the road alert me to the presence of an oncoming vehicle, and I look up to a truck stopping at the crossroads. Ethan hops out of the vehicle and sprints to me, his eyes frantic upon seeing my fragmented form. He crouches before me, and when he opens his arms without question, I fall into them with a loud sob. He embraces me as I cry out my pain and sorrow. I hug him back, seeking the reassurance and comfort only a friend can give.

After a few minutes of him rubbing my back and hushing me, Ethan asks softly, "You spoke to him." It wasn't a question, but I nod anyway. "What happened?"

I pull away, using my jacket sleeve to wipe my face. "H-He–" My body shudders, and I take a moment to compose myself. There are more important things to worry about than my broken heart, like how to help Ace. "He got angry and asked me to leave it alone. I told him that I couldn't, and he said that he didn't want to see me anymore."

Ethan makes a frustrated and angry growl from his throat. "He did that?"

"Yes," I say hoarsely.

"I'm going to kill him." Ethan looks ready to pummel something.

I shake my head, gripping his arm. "We have to help him."

Ethan's eyes soften. "I know, Luce, but he shouldn't have done that."

I stand up, and Ethan mimics me. "It doesn't matter, " I lie to him and myself. "What matters now is finding a way to get Sheriff Lancaster arrested."

Ethan follows me to the truck, opening the door for me. "Did he say anything about it, besides know?

I buckle in my seat belt. "He said that it's been happening since he was ten years old and that he doesn't fight back because of Queenie."

Ethan goes around to the driver's side and throws himself in. "That's horrible," he shakes his head roughly. "No wonder Ace is a prime therapy candidate."

I stare at him wide-eyed and flabbergasted.

He has the decency to appear sheepish. "Don't tell me you don't think so, too."

I look out the window, a slight smile tugging at my lips despite my aching heart. "I might agree a little, bu-"

"Aha! I knew you weren't oblivious to his faults."

"-but I think we all need one."

Ethan looks thoughtful. "Fair enough." His eyes light up as if a light bulb went off above his head. "Maybe us three should do group therapy, " he suggests in a light tone.

I snort out a chuckle. "Maybe they give a group discount."

In a commercial advertiser voice, he states, "For every additional nut-job, you will receive a five dollar discount. In addition, we will throw in a state of the art straight jacket for just nineteen-ninety-nine."

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