Chapter 24 - Lucilia

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I walk to school at a later time. I just can't seem to gather the energy to care if I'm late or not. Last night was too tiring. Too confusing. Too hurtful.

I drag my feet along the road, my forward progress amazingly slow. The chilling wind whips me in a frenzy, but even that doesn't shove me out of the daze I'm in. Brightly colored trees pass me in a haze, and a leaf flies into my face.

Giving it much thought, I am tempted to skip school. However, when I catch sight of the ever familiar form leaning against a withered, rusted street sign, my heart manages to slip a beat and all thoughts fly away.

Slowly filling with excitement, I begin jogging, which soon turns to a full sprint. His arms open, and I collide with his chest. They wrap around me, and I realize I am crying.

"It still hurts," I croak out loudly.

"I know," he whispers into my ear. "I know."

"Why does it still hurt?"

"Because no matter their intentions, they still left when you needed them." He rests his head on mine. "It'll take time to forgive them. If ever."

"What if I can't?" I ask.

"I know you, Luce. You'll forgive them eventually. It's part of who you are." He pulls back to look in my eyes, his hand coming up to wipe away my tears soon after. He swallows once, the action making his adam's apple bob. "Now, I believe you and I are late for school."

My eyes widen. "Why did you wait for me? Now we'll both be late."

Ace laughs softly. "You should know by now that I'll always wait for you." He stares adoringly at me. "Always," he whispers. I cannot seem to prevent my cheekbones from imitating the color of roses, so I turn away quickly.

"We better get a move on then." I march forwards, restraining myself from looking back to the smile I know is on his face.


We arrive at the school in record time. And what I really mean by that is that we have never arrived so late before. Ace holds open the door, ushering me inside, and I shiver from the sudden temperature change. Looking down the hallway, I freeze, not from the cold this time, but from the arctic glare of the principal.

Shifting to face Ace, I whisper in a rush, "I think we're in trouble."

He smirks, his eyes dancing with mirth. "Yes, I suppose this is a new experience for you, isn't it?" Wrapping an arm around my waist, he tugs me close and places a kiss on my hair. "Don't worry. The longer you date me, the more used to it you'll become."

The principal stomps closer, his face reddening as his anger grows. I watch his mustache twitch as his jaw tightens. I would laugh, but I think I'm in enough trouble as it is. "You two!" He yells. "Why aren't you in class?"

Ace leans closer. "It's a learning process, you see." His voice is deep, husky, and oh so satisfying to hear as it caresses my ears. His breath stirs my hair, sending the wisps rubbing softly against my neck. "You don't start making trouble on a large scale. You have to build up to it."

The principal is ten yards away now and closing in.

My hair brushes my neck again, and I suppress a shiver. "By the time we graduate, I'll have you skipping whole days of school."

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