Chapter 30 - Lucilia

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"He'll be here soon," says Nikoli as soon as he strolls through my prison door. Blue-green eyes twinkling with sadistic glee, he smiles excitedly at me. "Which means we need to get you ready for his arrival."

I cross my arm, shuffling uncomfortably on the mattress. "What does that mean?" I ask suspiciously.

Nikoli's grin turns teasing. "Awh, are you scared, my dear?" He comes closer and crouches in front of me, reaching a hand toward me that I dodged. "Don't worry. I told you before; you are not the one I want."

I narrow my eyes, opening my mouth to retort, but Nikoli speaks before I can. "Well," He leans closer, a look that I don't want to decipher lurking in his eyes. "You're not the one I want to get my revenge on is what I mean. Not that I don't want you." His gaze trails down my body, and I slap him before he looks back up. The loud thud makes my hand sting and my heart pound. Nikoli has a shocked countenance that quickly distorts into a maniacal grin. "I like girls with a little kick."

I lean away, worried about retribution, but he does nothing except stand up, smile, and give me an order to follow him. I do because this may be my best chance at escape.

My prison opens into a large rectangular room with a high ceiling, metal crossbars up in the air twisting their way from wall to wall and supporting the roof of questionable integrity. I was correct about it being a warehouse. The cold in the concrete seeps through to my feet, despite my shoes protecting them, and numerous pallets are strewn across from the room, the rotting wood leaving a stale odor that makes me want to go back into my comfy cell. I cover my nose, gagging on the moldy smell permeating the air.

"This place is disgusting," I blurt.

Standing and fiddling with something on a nearby pallet, Nikoli stares at me with faked hurt. "I'm sorry I couldn't afford better, my dear. But you know how it is when the police are after you. One day soon though, l'll buy us that ranch house you always wanted, and we can raise our seven children there." He starts snickering at the end, amusing himself apparently.

I give him my most flat look. "You're hilarious," I engage him in conversation to distract him, while my eyes roam the walls of the dilapidated structure.

Nikoli turns back to whatever he is messing with. "So what do you even find in Ace?"

"He's not a psychopath," I quip.

"Ha ha. Funny." A dull voice says, as blue eyes with a green hue glance at me. "But really. Ace is bland. Boring."

My anger rises at his casual criticism of the man I love. "He's never kidnapped me, though, has he?"

"Some girls fantasize about getting taken by a roguishly handsome stranger," Nikoli muses.

I give him a disgusted look. "They obviously don't realize that that stranger is a deluded maniac with sadistic tendencies and an unnatural desire for revenge."

He sends me a wicked grin, and I shiver uncomfortably from the glazed look in his eyes. The eyes of a guiltless monster. "My desires are far from unnatural." When he turns back around, I finally take off sprinting towards what I was looking for.

The exit comes closer, and I nearly trip in my haste to get to it. Expecting to be pursued, I'm hit by a wave of confusion when the only footsteps I hear are my own. I slow down, glancing over my shoulder to see where Nikoli is. He stands where he was, playing with whatever he holds in his hands.

"Did you really think I wouldn't have anticipated and prepared for that move?" His voice echoes across the room, sounding louder and scarier because of it.

I glance at the door, and my heart plummets to my stomach when I see the numerous padlocks securing it closed. But just to be sure, I walk to the metal exit and jiggle the handle, frowning when it holds firm.

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