Chapter Two

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Avery's outfit for school. If you don't like it or think it's too much, you can imagine a different outfit ;)


My eyes opened instantly as I immediately sat up, the warm blankets slumping down and the cold enveloped me. "What?" I replied instantly in a panicked tone searching around the room frantically.

Josh stood by my doorway with a cheeky grin. His arms were crossed over his white Tommy shirt and he wore casual grey sweatpants. My brother is in university and is so lucky he doesn't have to go to school anymore.

"School dumb ass" He rolled his eyes at me for forgetting.

I instantly calmed down, thankful that there was no serial killer in the house and plopped back down pulling the sheets over me. "Call me when something important is actually on" I mumbled sighing from the warmth.

I suddenly felt the sheets being ripped from me as my eyes opened angrily. "What the actually fuc-"

My sentence broke off as I became entranced by what my brother was holding.

The love of my life.


My eyes followed his hand as he grabbed a piece of crispy bacon and popped it into his mouth. I heard the satisfying crunch of the bacon and suddenly my stomach grumbled.

He took small bites as he smiled proudly at himself for getting my attention. "Now when mum said to wake you up I instantly said no but then she told me she wouldn't let me go to Italy. So I thought, how the hell would I successfully get Avery Blue up? Of course it wasn't so hard knowing your addicted to food so I thought why not start eating her food-"

"My food?!" I said in a deadly voice. I swear if it's my breakfast I was going to punch him so hard, push him out of the window and run over him with a truck.

He gave me a deadly grin. "Yeah yours"

He was dead meat. When you mess with my food, you mess with me.

Somehow I had all of the strength in the world as I rolled out of bed and leaped towards him. The fastest I've ever ran in my life and I swear I could see the slightest flash of fear cross his eyes as he moved out of the way and slammed the door behind me. I landed on the ground in a loud thud but that didn't stop me. I used the door handle to get up and tried opening the door. Only I couldn't. I actually started questioning whether the door pushed open instead of pull.

I stopped pushing the door when I heard a chuckle coming from the other side of the door. That little f*cker was holding the door. And since he goes to the gym everyday my strength didn't compare to his the slightest bit.

I rested my ear on the door as I spoke to me in a nice tone. "Josh, would you please so kindly open the door for me?" I asked hoping he would do as told.

I could hear him purposely contemplating the thought out loud before resting on a clear no. "I would suggest you be a good girl and get changed rather quickly before I end up accidentally demolishing your whole breakfast"

I gave up with a loud huff and grabbed a pair of ripped denim jeans, a cropped black long sleeve top and a pair of black boots.

Thank god I decided on my outfit choice the night before, otherwise I'd be here all day choosing an outfit.

Somehow I managed to get ready in a record time of 5 minutes. As I walked out of the bathroom I pulled my hair into a messy bun and settled on a natural look with no makeup.

I followed the smell of bacon as it brought me directly to the kitchen and I sat down at the bar stool next to Josh who smiled innocently.

I gave him a glare before setting my eyes on mum who was humming a song.

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