Author's note

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Hey guys sorry to say but this isn't a chapter. I just want to say a huge thank you for 6.54k reads. You guys are the best xx.

I know most of you will skip this page (don't worry I do the same) so if you're wondering anything regarding Avery or Chase or other characters continue reading as I have answered some questions below, otherwise you can skip this chapter and continue with the book.

Also I know that I shouldn't be giving the answers to these but I wrote this book when I was younger and let's just say it wasn't that greatly written so there is a lot of missing info I would like to put into the story later on.

When do you update?

I update when I have an idea of the chapter so some inspiration so when I haven't posted in a while it doesn't mean I have finished it. At the end of this book I will be posting an authors note when I'm ending it but that wont be until ages so stay tuned.

What do the characters look like?

I decided to scratch the characters I had originally given the characters because I feel like when an author allocates a person to a character you'd either be happy (which is very rare because we all have different tastes) or you'd be unhappy and therefore hate the character. So you readers get to choose what you want them to look like.

Who's Avery's cousin yet?

Avery's cousin (her names Isabelle) was the one that helped her with the makeover and everything. 

Does Avery still hate Chase?

You could say she hates his guts from the torment he put her through from the past years and she won't be getting over it anytime soon. If ya'll forgot he bullied her ; ) and that's the sole reason why. There is no other book regarding this or anything and there's no other reason. Just think about it, when someone torments you every day of your life and makes you feel like absolute shit, would you forgive them? I wouldn't. 

What happened to Avery's family?

Avery's dad left (legit left, he didn't die) when she was young (around the age of four) and so now it's just Avery, her mum and Josh. 

What happened to Becca and who's Josh?

This questions is aimed towards the second time readers. I made a change to get rid of Avery's younger sister (Becca) because she often disappears in the book and the readers often wondered what happened to her. So I decided to instead give Avery an older brother (Josh) and so we can focus on the main characters more.

So that's all of the answers I'm giving you right now if you have any more just ask and I'll reply as detailed as I can.

Once again thank you guys so much, as I said before there are still heaps more chapters to come, make sure to comment and vote💖

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