Chapter Eleven

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I disliked being home alone. Something about suddenly hearing all the sounds around you and becoming aware of unusual things. I either crank the music up really loud or invite people over. Called me scared all you want but I know I'm not alone in doing this.

My mum and brother were both out tonight, something about mum having a work dinner and Josh staying at his girlfriend's. For that reason, I invited Charlie over, my reasoning to her being I felt like we needed to catch up. Which was partly true.

I double checked that I have everything set. I managed to push the sofa back and lay blankets and pillows in front of the television. Next to the blankets were packets of junk food, ranging from tim tams to Cheetos.

I heard a knock on the door and yelled out, ""The doors unlocked"

I flicked through the six movies in my hand, ranging from old school to now and childhood to adulthood. The five movies were: High school musical, The hate u give, five feet apart, Casablanca, Spiderman: homecoming and the avengers.

I didn't look up when I felt Charlie's presence near me. "So what movie do you want to watch? Casablanca? Five feet apar-" I instantly stopped as I laid my eyes on Chase who stood next to Charlie.

I stared directly at Charlie. "What the hell is he doing here?"

"Oh it's nice to see you to" Chase said looking at me with amusement in his eyes.

Charlie gave me a sheepish smile giving me a hopeful look. "I kinda have to tutor Chase"

I stared between them for a minute rather confused before walking to the kitchen not saying a word. Charlie followed me as I grabbed a container with cookies in it as I nibbled on one.

"What are you doing?" Charlie asked putting her hands on her hips.

"I'm stress eating" I replied in between mouthfuls.

She stood there trying to read my expression.

I gulped down the last bit. "Why?" I asked.

Better to get mad at Charlie later when I know the full story.

"Because the teacher saw he needed help and I finished my assignment early so he asked me to do it" She replied. "Plus he offered to give me a better percentage for the assignment if I help him"

I gave her a pointed look. "Charlie" I said annoyed.

Well at least Charlie's not stupid. But I have to admit that was smart for the teacher to do. I don't even think it's fair for teachers to do that.

"I've missed a lot of school and I really need the extra marks, and since you're so smart I was hoping you'd help me because you're way ahead of me" She justified herself giving me a pleading look.

I felt bad for her. With everything that happened with her mum she dropped out of school and thought she wouldn't pass year 12. I glanced at the living room where Chase stood taking a photo of one of my family photos. I ignored him and thought about Charlie.

"I'll throw in a tub of cookies and cream ice cream" She offered knowing that was my weakness.

"Make it two tubs and a crispy crème doughnut" I added.

"Done" Charlie waited for my response, hoping I'd agree.

"Fine" I grumbled out as Charlie crashed me with a hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you" She squeezed me tighter.

~ 1 hour later ~

Chase is the most difficult person to tutor. I bet you a two year old is easier to teach. I've somehow made everything in this textbook into basic language and I've explained each problem to him over and over again but for some reason, he doesn't understand. He always zones out and goes back to his "I don't get it" phrase. I don't know if he's being honest or just trying to annoy me.

'Ok so work this out, remember to follow BIDMAS' I said frustrated.

This is grade 2 stuff I know. But we were trying to do hard equations but he didn't get it. So I had to go right from the start. And I mean the beginning.

"But it's easier to go left to right" Chase said for the 10th time.

"No you have to follow BIDMAS other wise you get the answer wrong" I said looking at Charlie with a murderous expression. Charlie just ignores me and goes back to eating.

"I still don't get it" Chase said innocently. He saw me fuming with anger so he dropped the act. He knew it the whole time. He just wanted to piss me off.

"I'm tired" Chase whined.

"But you haven't done anything other than saying you don't get it" I replied in an agitated tone.

I shut the textbook. "Alright that's enough. We're done tutoring, you can leave now" I didn't bother to hide my aggressive tone.

Chase looked to Charlie who was avoiding my eyes.

She laughed nervously. "Did I forget to mention that I gave Chase a ride here, meaning he's staying tonight until I can give him a ride home tomorrow"

I took a deep breath before standing up. Channel my anger elsewhere, or I could just hold it in. "I'm going to bed" I stated in an even tone.

"Your not going to play truth or dare with us?" Chase asked with a smile.

"I'm heading to bed, erasing that last sentence from my brain" I said out loud before heading to my room.

Whatever they're doing I'm going to to deal with that tomorrow. Right now I want to sleep, fingers crossed they don't burn down the house.

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