Chapter Fifty-nine

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Thanks so much Chloetjie13 for this amazing cover xx.

Just letting you all know there is a small part in Italian but don't worry I got ya'll, the translation is below it, literally one of the characters asks what they said and the other person says what it means. There's no need to google transalre it.


It's been a week and I swear I've gone crazy. Being chained to the wall is useless. 

Just sitting here wrapped up in your thoughts and emotions.

I had given up on any hope and I know Mike isn't going to help. The whole reason he's in this mess is to save his brother. I can understand that. So he wouldn't risk anything for his brothers life. He shouldn't, especially  if it's for me.

They had starved me completely.

 Everyday Chantelle would come in and talk to me. She wanted information out of me. Although Xavier thought I was stupid I observed a lot. At the mansion I wandered around and opened folders I probably shouldn't have, but I was bored. I knew information and Chantelle knew that.

But I couldn't do that to Xavier. I wouldn't help Chantelle, especially after knowing what I have done.

So every time I wouldn't answer she'd respond with violence. Punching me, slapping and sometimes even kicking me.

I couldn't fight back or retaliate. They had pumped me with tons of those injections. The ones that make you physically exhausted yet mentally wide awake. All I could do was accept the blows.

Although it hurt at first, I found a way to accept the pain. Because feeling the pain was better than feeling nothing.

Each day she'd come in with the agenda of getting information yet I'd never say a word.

The only thing getting me through right now is thinking about Josh. I had to think about something good otherwise I'd lose everything.

Suddenly the lights dimmed and a red light began flashing. 

I looked up rather confused as a loud blaring noise, sounding exactly like an alarm rang through my ears.

It was high pitched and I cringed at the noise.

I was exhausted.

I could barely lift my head up at this point and I felt dizzy as I tried focusing on one thing, yet everything came out fuzzy.

I saw a blur of guards running in different directions with their guns pointed in front of them rather alarmed.

They were in their kill stance and that worried me.

I had no hope, I know there's no way Xavier was coming, I know he doesn't even that I'm missing.

With the last bit of effort I had left I tried yanking the chains above me that my arms were attached to yet they wouldn't budge. It was made of steel, who was I kidding there's no way I'm getting out of this.

I gave up and sunk in defeat. No one's coming for me.

Who would come for me? There's no one left anymore.

The bars suddenly swung open catching my attention.

My vision was blurry yet I squinted my eyes trying to get a better picture.

The person kneeled in front of me and I realised who it was as my vision started to clear. What is he doing here? He pulled the needle from my arm, stopping the flow of whatever they were putting in me.

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