Chapter Thirty

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Hey guys, happy holidays!
Here's a long chapter.


It's been a week since Isa warned me but there is no sign of her. I even called her mother and asked her, her mother was just as worried as I was.

I sat in silence staring at the suspicious notes I had been receiving. It all started last week and it's been counting down since then.

7 days...

6 days...

5 days...

4 days...

3 days...

2 days...

1 day...

I had no idea what theymeant. I didn't know if it was a joke or it was real. 

Suddenly mum barged breaking my train of thought. "Avery what does this mean?" She asked with a worried expression.

I squinted my eyes to be able to read the small writing on the note and it read:

Enjoy your last day of freedom.

I didn't realise that I had stood up which made me look even more suspicious.

I rubbed the back of my neck in a nervous manner. "Um it's just some silly notes that Charlie and I write to each other to keep in touch" I replied showing mum my blank expression.

I'm such an idiot. Who passes notes around that says 'enjoy your last day of freedom'. I mean seriously; we're best friends.

"Ok" mum slightly hesitated handing me the note.

I went back to my room and layed on my bed. Of course. It's Saturday and I forgot to collect the note. Every morning I always collected the note on my doorstep on the way to school. So mum must of got it this morning on the way to work.

I sat down on my bedroom floor and lay out all of the notes. I looked at the last note and wondered what does that mean? Enjoy your last day of freedom.

Suddenly someone knocked on my door. "Just a minute" I spoke out. I quickly gathered the notes and stuffed them in a random drawer. Mum soon came in. "Can you go get some groceries please" she gave me the grocery list.

I nodded and placed my phone in my pocket just in case of an emergency. Like those notes. My conscious self said. Yeah right, I replied. Great, now I'm talking to myself. I swear most of the conversations we have is to ourselves.

I stepped outside of the house to feel the cool evening breeze. It felt like I was being watched for some odd reason. I heard a few rustling sounds nearby but other than that there was an eerie silence.

Maybe I should forget about the groceries. Stop being a wuss it's probably just a kid trying to scare you my conscious self explained.

I heard another rustling from the bush. It's just a kid my conscious-self reminded me. Right. It's just a kid. It was around six pm and it was slowly getting dark. It wasn't that dark that I couldn't see but it was slowly getting there. Dammit, why don't we have streetlights in our street?

I made my way along the street hurrying up my pace. Suddenly I heard a twig snap behind me which made me stop. Shit. I knew someone was following me. A chill ran down my spine and fear filled me.

This is all your fault I told my conscious.


So how was this chapter? And who do you think is following Avery?

Once again thanks guys so much 372k reads!

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