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I hope you guys like this new book! Please note I am not an expert on schizophrenia. I did do research and got as much information as i could, but I still do not know everything or exactly what it's like to have it. what I'm writing is just based off of other experiences I've read about and similar things. If you notice incorrect information, please contact me and I will fix it and keep note for future chapters. thanks for reading, have a great day (:


Daniel just wanted to be normal. He didn't want to be the kid in school kids talked about when he wasn't around. He didn't want to be known as "that kid with schizophrenia," instead of his own name. He wanted a friend for a change, not another one that was his friend for a week tops before fucking him over and humiliating him for laughs. It wasn't like the whole school was against him and did this to him, his life wasn't that big of a cliché. It was just a small group of kids who didn't know when to stop teasing others. They had no clue when to stop, despite the damage they'd done to the kids who were minorities or not exactly perfect. They didn't care about all the broken pieces they'd left behind them from shattering others' self esteem, it was all just a joke. If it didn't hurt them directly, why should they care?

Daniel had become somewhat immune to everything they had to say by simply ignoring everything and everyone aside from Jack Garvey. For the most part, Jack was the only one Daniel hadn't shut out after years of what felt like torture. He didn't particularly want to isolate himself more than he had to, but he'd sort of progressed that way over time. He was fine though, or so he'd convinced himself. He wasn't 100% fine with the constant loneliness, but he'd suppressed these thoughts so he'd convinced himself they simply didn't exist.

Jack kept him perfect company, and they were perfectly happy with each other. Of course the relationship was was completely platonic. Jack was straight anyways. Jack did try to get Daniel to socialize with some of his friends, but he had insisted on being alone. He'd gotten comfortable in solitude, and had no intentions of changing that. Perhaps he'd like a friend other than Jack, but he had been blinded by his own denial. It wasn't like he was in such desperate need for another friend that he was just going to collapse under the weight of the loneliness. he really was fine, he would have just been better with someone else perhaps. Jack was the only friend he really needed.

Daniel's schizophrenia wasn't the worst case by any means, but it wasn't good either. He was of course managing it with his meds, but some days it didn't quite work, or he forgot or refused to take them. Most days he was fine, but some days he wasn't. On these days he would let Jack talk to him for hours until he deemed himself alright, and most of the time ended up taking his meds thanks to Jack talking him into it. He did have a history if imagining people for short periods of time due to a mixture of somewhat frequent hallucinations and solitude. Jack used to try to convince him they were not real, but he'd learned to just play along and wait it out because Daniel didn't particularly appreciate being told whoever he'd imagined wasn't real. He didn't see any real harm in allowing him to believe.

Today just happened to be one of those bad days, and it was one of the really bad days. He woke up right before experiencing a pretty intense schizophrenic episode and he couldn't convince himself to to take his medication. It started with two voices that seemed to be completely real speaking to and about him.

"Oh look, worthless is up," a female voice hissed as a male voice huffed in annoyance and started muttering things Daniel couldn't quite make out about him.

Daniel really did try his best to ignore them or pretend the voices weren't there because part of him knew they weren't real. However the part in control of him right now was convinced these voices in his head were real, and figured they should be listened to any obeyed.

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