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Daniel couldn't breathe. He felt as if his life was being sucked out of him, along with the air in his lungs. He felt like he was underwater, drowning slowly and nobody was coming to save him. He thought he should have been losing consciousness, but he was still awake and suffering.

In a flash, the air returned, and Daniel was gasping for breath. He looked around him. Everything was pitch black, except for a small pinprick of light far away. Daniel started walking towards it, his pace growing quicker and quicker.

Despite the light being far away, it only took a matter of seconds for Daniel to reach it. The light engulfed him, and everything was white for several seconds. Finally, pictures started to appear around him. They were just of empty rooms. Daniel knew all of them well. Some were from home, some from the hospital, others from various places he visited often.

Daniel began to hear voices. They were all voices he'd heard before, from his schizophrenic episodes. They were telling him to do things that would kill him. However, they weren't in his head like usual. They were coming from somewhere else.

"Hang yourself on that light. Take all of those pills. Slit your throat." The voices kept repeating this and other variations of it, and they got louder and louder. Daniel looked into the pictures of rooms, only to find himself walking into them and carrying out the voices' wishes. In the hospital's common room, he watched as he hanged himself with bedsheets. In another, he found him in his kitchen, using a knife to slit his wrists, and so forth.

Daniel watched helplessly as he killed himself in several different ways, finally shutting the voices out and making them happy. But then he started hearing the voices in his own head telling him the same things. He was in his own scenario. He was in the back part of Dr. Joseph's office where the medication was kept. He lost control of his body as he walked over to the pills, taking a handful of one bottle and swallowing them. Daniel panicked, not wanting to kill himself. It was too late. Daniel got dizzy, no longer able to stand up. He felt nauseous as the contents of his stomach spilled into the floor in front of him. Everything got dimmer and dimmer until Daniel knew this was the end. Everything went black.

Daniel shot upright in bed, drenched in sweat and panting for air. He looked around him. It was the middle of the night and he was safely in his room in the hospital. He had no way of knowing what time it was, but everything was still dark.

Daniel felt numb and panicked. Everything felt as real as the voices he heard when he was awake some days. Everything felt real in the nightmare. If someone were to tell him everything he'd seen in that dream was real, he'd certainly believe them.

Daniel had these dreams once a month or so. They didn't necessarily happen often, but they weren't uncommon either. Quite frankly, he got sick of them rather quickly. He'd never told anyone about them- not even Jack.

For the first half of the day Daniel was silent, shooken up by the nightmare he'd had. CJ tried to get him to talk, but to no avail. Sebastian tried talking to him too, but Daniel didn't say anything. He was simply too tangled up in his state of panic he'd experienced during the night, which he couldn't shake off for the life of him.

"Daniel, are you sure you're okay?" CJ asked as both Daniel and Sebastian picked at their pancakes.

Daniel nodded absentmindedly, still not speaking.

Daniel made a note to tell Dr. Joseph about his dream, but quickly realized a flaw in that plan. If Dr. Joseph knew about the nightmare, he might think Daniel wasn't healthy enough to go home. Daniel really didn't want to delay leaving the hospital, so he made the decision to not tell Dr. Joseph about the dream.

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