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Daniel woke up to Sebastian shaking him awake awkwardly.

"Hey, um, sorry, but the tech came around a few minutes ago and you didn't wake up so..." he muttered.

Daniel looked around him, sitting up. "Thanks," he yawned, still half asleep.

He wondered why he didn't wake up when the tech came around, but didn't think much of it. He didn't get to sleep until it was fairly late, anyways.

He went through his morning routine much slower than usual, hardly awake and still wondering why he was so tired. He could hardly keep his eyes open.

Despite being slow with his morning routine, he still had a few minutes before breakfast to fall back asleep. Sebastian did have to wake him back up, but he felt slightly more awake afterwards so he decided it was worth it.

After that, Daniel and all the other patients were led down to the cafeteria for breakfast. Pancakes were served, so everyone was in high spirits. Daniel got his and sat down at his regular table, Sebastian finding somewhere else to sit. He understood he made Daniel uncomfortable for whatever reason, so he didn't talk to him much.

A few moments after Daniel sat down, CJ joined him, happy as ever.

"Hey, boyfriend," Daniel said with a smile, loving the way the word rolled off his tongue.

"Hey, you," CJ said back, stabbing into his food with a spork. Those were the sharpest things allowed in the hospital. "How's your morning been so far?"

"I'm tired as shit," he answered, shaking his head. A passing nurse scolded him for swearing.

"How much sleep did you get last night?" CJ asked, seeming concerned.

"Not much. I was a little freaked out, to be completely honest becau- never mind. Probably just four hours or so."

CJ's concerned expression didn't falter for a moment. "Freaked out by what?"

Daniel internally cringed, because he hadn't meant to say that. His speech filter was a bit fucked up when he was tired, which caused him to nearly tell CJ about his nightmare. It was really nothing CJ should have to worry about for him, boyfriend or not. Besides, nobody knew about them, despite their frequency. Not even Dr. Joseph or his parents. He felt no need to tell anyone whatsoever, CJ included. Besides, in his mind, a dream was a ridiculous thing to be so afraid of, and certainly nothing to lose sleep over.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it," Daniel muttered.

"Daniel, are you sure? I just want to make sure you're okay and-"

"I'm fine," Daniel snapped.

CJ shut up then, not bothering his boyfriend anymore.

"I'm sorry, Ceej," Daniel apologized quickly, reaching across the table to hold CJ's hand.

"You're fine. I'm the same way when I'm tired, don't worry about it."

Daniel felt like it really wasn't fine, and be shouldn't get off so easy snapping at his boyfriend, but he didn't say anything on the subject out of fear of causing unnecessary conflict. He hated fighting more than anyone he knew, and put a good deal of effort into not causing a single problem where he could help it.

Rather than worrying further, Daniel changed the subject and put it out of his mind. It really wasn't anything to worry about in the first place, but Daniel was the type of person to worry excessively about being rude to people on accident.

While talking to him, Daniel couldn't help but stare at CJ. He couldn't help but get lost in his eyes that were the most wonderful shade of brown that was quickly becoming Daniel's favorite color. He couldn't help but absolutely love his laugh, which was simply the most beautiful sound in the world. He couldn't help thinking about the perfect smile that played on perfect lips that Daniel couldn't quit thinking about kissing.

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