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As the next day rolled around, Daniel and a poorly rested Rick were struggling out of bed when a tech told them to get up. Daniel rushed through his morning routine just so he could get 20 more minutes of sleep he decided he desperately needed.

He crashed back onto the bed on top of the salmon colored covers, trying to make do with the little time he had left, relying on his own internal clock to get him up in 15 minutes for breakfast.

Rather than his internal clock, it was Rick who was nice enough to practically pull him out of bed again and drag him to the cafeteria.

Once there, Daniel, Phoenix, CJ and Rick wasted no time in starting up a conversation. Daniel was a bit more active today, which Rick noticed and smiled about.

"Did you see that hot nurse?" Phoenix asked with a dumb look on his face that was intended to resemble a smirk.

"No, where?" Rick questioned excitedly. CJ just sat back and laughed at them.

"Dude, I know you like dick but you can't tell me you don't still appreciate hot girls," Phoenix said to him.

"I dunno," CJ replied with a shrug. "I can appreciate they're attractive, I don't know if hot is the word I'd choose."

All Daniel got out of that was that CJ was gay, which he was oddly happy about. It might have been because it was nice to have another gay guy here, or it might have been because he had to admit that CJ was really fucking attractive. And nice. And funny.

"Dude, there she is!" Phoenix squealed, discreetly pointing to a thin busty brunette talking to a patient who didn't appear to be eating.

While Rick and Phoenix were practically drooling over the woman, Daniel and CJ were having their own unrelated conversation.

"Have you ever read the Harry Potter books?" CJ asked him out of the blue.

"Yeah, why?" Daniel answered.

"Just wondering. I love them." CJ smiled, causing Daniel to smile as well. "Best book series ever."

Daniel nodded in agreement. "I heard Rowling is working on some more material. I don't know for sure though. I don't really read up on that stuff."

"Yeah, she is. I'm pretty excited, my brother keeps teasing me about it. He's more of a Trekkie."

"Never quite got Star Trek. I'm more of a Star Wars fan myself."

"Zak obsesses over it, man. He's a big nerd," CJ laughed, having a nostalgic moment. "I wish they'd let him visit me."

"Why won't they, if you don't mind me prying?" Daniel asked, genuinely interested.

"They're afraid I'm going to hurt him," CJ replied sadly. "I never have, I never will. I came clean about the thoughts though after the dog incident, they threw me in here and won't let me see him until I'm out."

"Man, that blows," Phoenix sighed, finally done staring at the nurse. "I can't wait for you to get out, dude. I'm hoping we can still talk and hang out when I am too."

CJ nodded, smiling a bit. "Oh yeah. All of us."

The other three nodded and muttered a variety of things in agreement, each of the four more than excited to get out and live normal lives, continuing to be friends in the "outside world."

After lunch, Daniel had a moment before community group to assess his thoughts. Most of them were related to his new friends. To think he'd have friends when he got out other than Jack made him happy beyond belief. He didn't have much experience with friends, but he figured he would manage just fine. And if not, he assumed they would be patient enough to deal with his social stupidity.

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