Chapter 13

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 Winnie's heart skipped a beat and Miles shook Andre's shoulders. "What do you mean they have Henri?" He almost shouted. Andre's face grew somber, and he stepped away from Miles.

"There are five soldiers at my house, and the officer told me that I had to find you two," He looked at Miles and Winnie, "and bring you back to the house. Or else..." his voice trailed off. Jesse stepped forward.

"Or else what?" he asked. Andre looked Jesse in the eye, his face flushed.

"They will kill him." He said. Miles raised his hands.

"Andre, you really think that they will kill a little boy?" he asked. Andre nodded.

"I don't have a doubt in my mind, Miles." he stated. In a swift motion, Andre reached into his back pocket and quickly produced a small pistol. He pointed it at Miles, Jesse, and Winnie, who were all gathered near the same spot, and they froze. Erik began to ask what was going on, but Andre cut him off.

"Erik, get over here." Andre snapped. Erik quickly crossed over to stand behind Andre, his face filled with remorse. Andre breathed in deeply. "Now," he began, "Tell me the truth." he said. Jesse raised an eyebrow.

"What are you talking about Andre?" Jesse asked. Andre tightened his grip on the gun.

"Why are the Nazi's after," he waved his gun at Miles and Winnie, "Them!" he shouted. "They wouldn't go through all of this trouble for a couple of American deserters." Winnie held her breath. "So tell me the truth now! Or I swear to God, I will shoot."

Erik spoke up, "We need them to save Henri, Andre." Andre's forehead creased. He nodded his head, and slowly aimed the gun at Jesse.

Jesse shook his head. "Andre," he said cautiously. "We are your friends." A small tear slid from Andre's eye.

"I thought friends told each other the truth!" he said. "They are going to kill my son. I need answers!" He cocked the gun, and pointed it back at Jesse. Nobody moved.

"We can't tell you, Andre." Winnie whispered. "But I know what to do to save your family." Surprised, everybody turned to Winnie. She approached Andre, and he quickly turned the gun on her. Jesse flinched, but Winnie didn't move. 

"Andre please." she pleaded. "We want to help you."

Slowly, Andre nodded, and lowered his gun. Sweat streaked down his face, and he sighed of relief. "Ok." he said. "What is your plan?" Winnie bit her lip, quickly looking at Jesse, who gave her a slight smile of reassurance.

"First," she took a breath, "Gather the resistance."

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Von Kliest removed his cap and wiped away the sweat that had gathered on his forehead, with his sleeve. He sighed, glancing down at the small boy sitting on the chair before him. He knelt down to look him in the eye, and the boy shifted uncomfortably. 

"That's all?" Von Kliest asked, in broken French. The boy nodded.

"They were nice to me." Henri said. "They are my friends." Von Kliest rolled his eyes. He hated dealing with children.

"Did they ever do anything unusual?" he asked. "Did they eat food, sleep, do anything dangerous?" Henri looked puzzled, and Von Kliest worried that he had lost him.

"They ate food, and they slept..." he seemed to be struggling for words, and Von Kliest watched in vain. "They saved my friend from a fire!" Henri shouted suddenly. Von Kliest leaned forward, intrigued. 

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